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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Outside the Bricks Poetry Slam in Lewisburg

Carnegie Hall is proud to bring the following special events to the community.

Outside the Bricks Poetry Slam at The Wild Bean Cafe
Presented by Carnegie Hall and The Wild Bean
February 8, 2008
General Admission $5 at door or in advance

Emcee: Eric Fritzius - President of the WV Writers, Inc.
Doors open at 5:30pm. Junior Slam (under 18yrs of age) begins at 6:30pm, Adult Slam (over 18yrs of age) follows. Guidelines for participation are as follows:

A completed registration form and an entry fee of $5 must be submitted
Poets may present up to 5 different compositions ($5 additional fee per poem)
Each poem must be of the poet's own construction
Each poet gets three minutes (plus a ten-second grace period) to read one poem. If the poet goes over time, points will be deducted from the total score
The poet may not use props, costumes or musical instruments
Click here to download the registration form then mail or fax it to Carnegie Hall 105 Church St. Lewisburg, WV 24901 Fax: 304.645.5228

Prizes for First and Second place winners in each category.

Tickets are limited to 100 and may be purchased from the Carnegie Hall Box Office at 105 Church St, Lewisburg WV and at The Wild Bean

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Prince George's Short Story Contest

Short Story Contest

DEADLINE: February 16, 2008
Judging by JUDINE SLAUGHTER Moderator of the Black Writers’ Guild, Inc.

Winners announced at the 2008 Afrocentric Book Expo Saturday, February 23, 2008 10:00 am ET - 5:00 pm ET

Mall at Prince Georges
3500 East West Highway, (Route 410)
Hyattsville, MD 20782

READING FEE: $3.00 per short story entered

Unpublished, simultaneous and previously published entries accepted.

One time publication rights to CONCEIT MAGAZINE.
$50.00 - First Prize
$30.00 - Second Prize
$20.00 - Third Prize

E-mail entries to:

PayPal users go to the CONCEIT MAGAZINE Website

Snail Mail entries and reading fees to:
Perry Terrell, Editor
PRINCE GEORGE’S Short Story Contest
c/o Conceit Magazine
P. O. Box 8544
Emeryville, CA 94662

(NOTE: Entries can be e-mailed or snail mailed)
(Cash, check or money order - Make payable to Perry Terrell)

Monday, January 28, 2008

African American Heritage Storyteller, Ilene Evans to perform!

(This news courtesy of WV Writers 2nd VP Terry McNemar)

African American Heritage Storyteller, Ilene Evans to perform!

“Voices from the Earth” presents African American Heritage Series Folktales by Storyteller Ilene Evans at the Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library on Saturday, Feb. 16, 2008 at 2 p.m. The free event will be held at Waldomore, the historic mansion next to the library.

During the one-hour concert, Ms. Evans will perform African American Heritage stories, poems, games and songs, with audience participation. Her presentations are energetic and lively, including dancing, singing, dramatic vocal talent, and leave the audience with a feeling of having been a part of the story. Her stories not only tell the tale, but they seek to teach a lesson or at least to inspire the audience to think more about themselves and the world than they normally do on a daily basis.

For more information, contact Gail Marsh, community relations coordinator, at the library at 627-2236.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

2008 Writing Competition Judge Bios

The 2008 WV Writers writing competition is underway and still awaiting your entry/entries. If you've not sent anything in yet, what the heck are ya waiting for? Oh, wait... You might be waiting to see who's judging your favorite category/categories. Well, we've taken care of that by addeding the bios list to the contest page at the WV Writers website. Check it out for yourself at...

While you're at it, check out WV Writers brand new online store where you can find all of WV Writers previous contest anthologies at super low prices. You'll also find the Mountain Voices anthology on sale, WV Writers coffee mugs, and pre-orders for the upcoming new WV Writers contest anthology, Seeking the Swan. All online transactions are done through Pay Pal, or you may print out an order form to order by mail.

Drop by and peruse, won't you?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Writer's Digest Writing Competition Open

(This news courtesy of Fay Thompson)

The 77th Annual Writer's Digest Writing Competition is now open for submissions. Top prize is $3000 and a trip to New York to meet with four editors or agents. There are ten categories for both fiction and nonfiction. The entry fee is $15 and the deadline to enter is May 15, 2008. All the details are online at

Patsy Pittman, contest chairman for WV Writers, won three honorable mentions last year for her short stories. Nancy Merical won 2nd place for her children’s fiction a couple of years ago. I won an honorable mention for a short story the last time I entered. So, it’s doable, folks. Give it your best shot.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

7th Annual War Poetry Contest

Seventh year. Fifteen cash prizes totaling $5,000. Top prize $2,000.

Submit 1-3 unpublished poems on the theme of war, up to 500 lines in all. Winning entries published online. Sponsored by Winning Writers. $15 entry fee, payable to Winning Writers.

Postmark deadline: May 31.
Judge: Jendi Reiter.

Include cover sheet with contact information. No name on poems.

Submit online or mail to:

Winning Writers,
Attn: War Poetry Contest,
351 Pleasant Street, PMB 222,
Northampton, MA 01060.

Winning Writers is proud to be one of "101 Best Websites for Writers" (Writer's Digest, 2005-2007).

More information:

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

2008 Erma Bombeck Writing Competition

(This info courtesy WV Writers' own Stan Higley)

The 2008 Erma Bombeck Writing Competition is open for entries. Entries must be previously unpublished (including online) or published since January 1, 2007. There is a 450-word limit and two categories -- Humor and Human Interest. One Dayton, Ohio-area winner and one Global (National/International) winner will be awarded in each category. Each first-place winner will receive a $100 cash prize. There is no entry fee. Entries must be submitted by 11:59 PM, EST, February 17, 2008.

For all contest details and the online entry form, visit:

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hearts for the Arts

(WV Writers member Tammy Whisman sends this one along)

To all authors or artists:

I would like to invite all published authors and artists to attend the "Hearts for the Arts" event being held at the Martinsburg Mall on February 9-10th from 10-6. This is the third event being sponsored by Athens on the Opequon... free of charge and no membership dues... just an invitation to sell your books and become a part of this cultural event..

Only requirement is to e-mail so we can add you to the growing list of participants so we can reserve you a table. Tables, chairs and covers will be available and all the comforts of being at the mall. Handicapped accessible. Entertainment by various artists, such as Sea Raven as well as Susie the Clown for the children.

So mark your calendars, give us an e-mail with your name and information book and plan to attend "Hearts for the Arts."

A sweetheart of a time and what better gift than to give a special person your written words............ this is not a solicitation to sell anything and we do not give any information online or to companies.

E-mail :

Friday, January 18, 2008

WVW's own Chris Kuell breaks big at Amazon



Last November, I entered my novel, Disconnected, into the Breakthrough Novel Award contest. On January 15, the top 20% (as judged by Publishers Weekly reviewers) moved on to the semi-finals, and Disconnected was among them.

From here, the public is invited to visit amazon at the link below, download for free the first 5,000 words, and review what you've read. In March, the books with the most positive reviews will move on in the competition, with first place being $25,000 and a contract for publication with Penguin Books. The top 10 places will also be considered for Penguin contracts.

So, I invite you to take a look at the beginning of my book, and if you feel inclined, please write a review.

Kind regards,

Chris Kuell

Thursday, January 17, 2008

MountainWord accepts poetry submissions via phone

Vic Burkhammer at MountainWord is accepting poetry submissions over the phone, where he plans to post the audio of them online. What a cool idea! A notice was also posted in The Gazz this morning.

From his blog:

"If you'd like to recommend a book of poems or read one of your unpublished short poems over the phone, just call me at 304-348-5184 and wait for the voicemail to kick in, leave your name and number for verification and then read away. I'll consider posting the audio on MountainWord. I'm looking for work of under 20 well-written lines. Nothing sentimental or old-fashioned. Prose poems of exceptional quality are eligible too. The tone can run the gamut from humorous to serious."

Friday, January 11, 2008

WV Writers Members Matter: Savannah Guz Reading in Baltimore

Baltimore's only dedicated fiction reading series is finally here. Where is here?

Where: Minás Gallery, 815 W. 36th Street , Hampden (410) 732-4258
When: January 19th, 5:00 pm
Who: Madeleine Mysko, Savannah Schroll Guz, and Joseph Young
What else? There's a blog with pretty author photos at

Madeleine Mysko is a writer who served as an Army nurse on the burn ward in Fort Sam Houston, Texas, during the Vietnam War. Bringing Vincent Home, her debut novel, re-enters that time by way of a Baltimore family who must come to terms with the wounding of one of their own. A graduate of The Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars, Mysko has published in venues that include The Baltimore Sun, Bellevue Literary, The Hudson Review, River Styx , and Shenandoah. Among her awards in fiction are an individual artist grant from the Maryland State Arts Council and a Baltimore City Artscape Prize.

Savannah Schroll Guz is author of The Famous and The Anonymous (2004) and editor of the theme-based fiction anthology Consumed: Women on Excess (2005). She has been nominated for a Pushcart and a storySouth Million Writers Award and is a monthly "Short Takes" columnist for Library Journal. Once upon a time, she worked as a correspondence translator for Bavaria 's Prince von Hohenzollern and consequently wore out two very sturdy dictionaries. She now lives on a farm in the Mountain State of West Virginia and is at work on a novel.

Joseph Young lives in Baltimore where he co-runs the art blog and keeps the microfiction blog Look for his work in such magazines as SmokeLong Quarterly, Mississippi Review, Exquisite Corpse, Rock Heals, Eleven Bulls, JMWW, elimae, and others.

The 510 Readings is the only dedicated fiction reading series in Baltimore. The readings will run under an hour and feature at least three writers—from writers you haven’t heard of yet (but will soon) to well-known writers (local and nationally known). It happens in the Minás Gallery at 5:00 on every third Saturday of every month—for the rest of your life. Hosted by Michael Kimball (author of Dear Everybody, 2008) and Jen Michalski (author of Close Encounters, 2007).

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Story Quarterly Love Story Contest

(News courtesy Chris Kuell)

StoryQuarterly announces the SQ Love Story Contest

Open to fiction and nonfiction entries, the contest offers a First Prize of $2,500, a Second Prize of $1,500, a Third Prize of $750, and ten Finalists each will receive $100.

Deadline for entries: March 31, 2008.

For complete details, please click here.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Lilliput Review Seeks Submissions

(This news courtesy of the WV Writers Roundtable)

"Lilliput Review comes out 8 to 10 times a year, shipped two issues at a time, every 4th issue being a broadside that features the work of a single poet. All poems submitted should be 10 lines or less, 3 poems maximum per submission. SASE or in the trash. All poems should be previously unpublished, unless noted. Payment for accpeted work is 2 copies of the issue in which the work appears. Reporting time is 2 to 12 weeks."

He also adds that you can send up to 9 poems now, three per page, just make sure they are 10 lines or less and have an SASE.

Here is the address:

Lilliput Review
Don Wentworth, Editor
282 Main Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Prince George's Short Story Contest Seeks Entries

PRINCE GEORGE’S Short Story Contest (sponsored by the BLACK WRITERS’ GUILD OF MARYLAND in support of CONCEIT MAGAZINE)

DEADLINE: February 16, 2008
Judging by JUDINE SLAUGHTER Moderator of the Black Writers’ Guild, Inc.

Winners announced at the 2008 Afrocentric Book Expo, Saturday, February 23, 2008 10:00 am ET - 5:00 pm ET.

Mall at Prince Georges
3500 East West Highway, (Route 410)
Hyattsville, MD 20782

READING FEE: $3.00 per short story entered

Unpublished, simultaneous and previously published entries accepted. One time publication rights to CONCEIT MAGAZINE.

$50.00 - First Prize
$30.00 - Second Prize
$20.00 - Third Prize

E-mail entries to:

PayPal users go to the CONCEIT MAGAZINE Website


Snail Mail entries and reading fees to:
Perry Terrell, Editor
PRINCE GEORGE’S Short Story Contest
c/o Conceit Magazine
P. O. Box 8544
Emeryville, CA 94662

(NOTE: Entries can be e-mailed or snail mailed)
(Cash, check or money order - Make payable to Perry Terrell)

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

WV Writers Annual Writing Contest Starts Today!

WV Writers Annual Writing Contest is now accepting submissions!

From today through March 15 (March 31, really, with the late fees) WV Writers is accepting your entries for a variety of writing categories.

Members of WV Writers have received entry forms with our December newsletter.

If you'd like a gander at the categories or contest forms in advance of that, though, we invite you to hit the interweb and check out our contest page at the address below...

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Dr. Write's Life Writing Class

Announcing New Life Writing Class: Write the Story of Your Life!
January 29-February 26

Almost everyone secretly wants to write his or her life story. Whether you've just lately began to consider the project or you've been putting it off for years, NOW is your chance!

MAKES A PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT! Register online and your printable Gift Certificate can be emailed to you or your loved one within 24 hours.

"Tell the Story of Your Life!" will cover everything you need to write the story of your life:
for yourself, for your family, and for publication.

"Tell the Story of Your Life!" is for all of you who have an important story inside you. In the course, you will find out who you are telling your story to, what kind of story you want to tell,
how best to tell your story, when you can find the time to write your story, where best to work on your story, and why you should publish your story.

Five nights for only $145. Mixing a ton of useful information with a variety of writing prompts, "Tell the Story of Your Life!" will get you turning your memories into a narrative that will grab and hold your readers.

Whether you are an experienced writer who wants to tackle a topic of personal import or a person who wants to record your story for your family, "Tell the Story of Your Life!" will inform and inspire you.

If you've taken a course from Geoff before, then you know how experienced he is and how fun and useful his classes are. If you never have taken a course from Geoff, you should.

REGISTER NOW by calling 744.4556 or visiting

Five classes for only $145.


Write the Story of Your Life!
5 Tuesday Nights, 6:30-9:00
January 29-February 26
Charleston Newspapers Virginia Street Parking Building Conference Room
Free parking right outside the classroom, in the CN parking building.


Geoff Fuller
From conception to publication!