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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Open Thread Seeks Submissions

A new regional journal called Open Thread Regional Review is publishing its first issue this fall. Submissions are open through the end of September for poetry, prose and visual art by any artist or writer from Ohio, Pennsylvania or West Virginia.

All submissions are made online at

Friday, August 15, 2008

Gulf Coast Writers Association Call for Short Fiction Submissions

Greetings from the Gulf Coast Writer's Association to West Virginia Writers.

We are writing to announce a Call for Submissions of short fiction to our second GCWA anthology. There is no entry fee. GCWA will pay $25.00 (or two free copies) to contributors whose work is selected for one-time publication rights -- all rights revert to authors upon publication.

Stories must be set in The South and clearly capture a southern tone. Themes might include: coming-of-age, family relationships, fitting in, social life (in its many facets), dreams/aspirations. We will also consider previously published stories that meet this criteria. Deadline for submissions is March 15, 2009.

Please share this information with members and friends. Interested writers will find all the information they need to submit at:

We are eager to include voices from many southern states in this collection!

Thank you very much and all best to our fellow writers! .

Dixon Hearne, Co-Editor