WVW eNEWS - August 18, 2006
Check! September to October
Writers’ Market Opportunities
GO TO http://www.tinhouse.com/index.htm
The Tin House editors will not be reading unsolicited material that is postmarked between May 31 and September 1. If your manuscript has a postmark date during the hiatus, it will be returned unopened. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please submit one story, or up to 5 poems, at a time. Submit clearly typed manuscripts, double-spaced on 8 1/2 x 11 inch white paper, one side only, to: Tin House, P.O. Box 10500, Portland, OR 97210. Send submissions to the attention of the appropriate editor, i.e. poetry to poetry editor, etc. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but please let us know in your cover letter. It takes up to 3 months to respond to submissions. We do not accept submissions via fax or email. We publish fiction, essays, and poetry, but please do not mix genres in one envelope. We are not interested in genre fiction. The word-length limit is roughly 10,000.
We pay writers after edits are done to our satisfaction, and just prior to publication of the final piece. Payment varies according to the length and genre of the submission, but we pay a $50.00 minimum for poetry, and $200.00 minimum for fiction and nonfiction, except for Lost & Found, which pays $150.00.
Submission Guidelines:
GO TO http://www.montgomerycollege.edu/potomacreview/submissionguidelines.html
- Poetry: up to three poems/five pages at a time.
- Prose: up to 5,000 words (fiction/creative nonfiction)
- Art: art/photographs: inquire first.
Please send by regular mail to the address listed below. Include SASE, brief bio, e-mail address. We will respond within six months. Fall/Winter issue due out in October/November 2006. Simultaneous submissions are accepted if identified. Two complimentary copies per contributor; 40% discount for extra copies. Submission Deadlines: Reading period September 1st - May 1st ; only one submission per genre per reading period. Reading period September 1st - May 1st ; only one submission per genre per reading period.
Submission guidelines GO TO http://www.kenyonreview.org/writers/guidelines.php
The reading period for this year will be September 1, 2006-January 31, 2007.
An online submissions program is now available on this web site. We no longer accept work via regular mail. All work must be submitted using the online program on this web site. (It's free and saves you postage.) GO TO http://www.kenyon-review.org/submissions/
We urge all submitters to be thoughtful of others and submit no more than two works in a given genre during the reading period. Thank you!
We consider
* short fiction and essays (up to 7,500 words)
* poetry (up to 6 poems)
* plays (up to 35 pages)
* excerpts (up to 35 pages) from larger works
* translations of poetry and short prose
* only previously unpublished material is considered
Mid-American Review is an international literary journal dedicated to publishing the best contemporary fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and translations. Founded in 1981, MAR is an official publication of the Department of English and the College of Arts & Sciences at Bowling Green State University. MAR is proud of its tradition of featuring the work of established artists. Writers such as Carl Dennis, Rita Dove, Stephen Dunn, Linda Gregg, Yusef Komunyakaa, Philip Levine, Mary Oliver, Richard Russo, William Stafford, James Tate, Melanie Rae Thon, David Foster Wallace, and C.K. Williams have all appeared in MAR. But we also pride ourselves on our publication of new and up-and-coming writers, case in point our recent Unpublished Writers Issue. MAR is an official publication of the Department of English and the College of Arts & Sciences at Bowling Green State University.
Writers’ Submission Guidelines on webpage at http://www.bgsu.edu/studentlife/organizations/midamericanreview/index2.html
MAR also sponsors the Sherwood Anderson Fiction Award, James Wright Poetry Award, and Creative Nonfiction Award, as well as the Fineline Competition for Prose Poems, Short Shorts, and Anything In Between.Mid-American Review is an international literary journal dedicated to publishing the best contemporary fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and translations.
Deadline is October 2nd.
CONTESTS GO TO http://www.bgsu.edu/studentlife/organizations/midamericanreview/index2.html
Address submissions to
Mid-American Review
Department of English, Box W
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green OH 43403
Judged by: National Book Award-Finalist Mary Gaitskill
First prize: $1,000 - Second prize: $500 - Third prize: $250
The winner and seven finalists will be considered for representation by the William Morris Agency, ICM, Regal Literary, the Elaine Markson Literary Agency, Inkwell Management, Sterling Lord Literistic, and the Georges Borchardt Literary Agency. The entry deadline is October 2, 2006. The winners and finalists will be announced at the website December 1, 2006, and in the Spring 2007 issue of Zoetrope: All-Story. Please e-mail us at contests@all-story.com with further questions.
Complete Contest Guidelines: GO TO http://www.zoetrope-stories.com
We accept all genres of literary fiction. Entries must be: unpublished; 5,000 words or less; postmarked by October 2, 2006; clearly marked "Short Fiction Contest" on both the story and the outside of the envelope; accompanied by a $15 entry fee per story (make checks payable to AZX Publications). Please include name and address on first page or cover letter only. Mail entries to: Zoetrope: All-Story - Short Fiction Contest - 916 Kearny Street - San Francisco, CA 94133
GO TO http://www.baltimorereview.org/about_us.html
Published biannually, in the winter and the summer, The Baltimore Review is an eclectic collection of writing from Baltimore and beyond. Established in 1996, this critically acclaimed literary journal is distributed nationally and is available in bookstores and via subscription. The Baltimore Review is a 128-page, 6X9, perfect-bound biannual literary journal. The Baltimore Review accepts short fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry. For further information on submitting your work for consideration, see our writers guidelines. The Baltimore Review sample copies are $10.00 each (includes $2 s/h). Submissions are read year-round. Our editorial staff is composed of volunteers, so please allow up to 6 months for a response. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.
We sponsor three annual writing competitions:
* Creative Nonfiction Competition (January 1st - April 1st)
* Poetry Competition (April 1st - July 1st)
* Short Fiction Competition (August 1st - December 1st)
Writer's Guidelines
We publish poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction from around the nation and the world. Traditional and experimental forms are welcome. Length for prose: 6,000 words maximum. For poetry: Submit between 1-4 poems. No previously published work. Payment is in copies. We also accept art and photography submissions with a Baltimore theme. Send copies only, as well as a cover letter telling us about yourself and your work. Address your work to the respective editor: Fiction Editor, Poetry Editor, or Nonfiction Editor. Send self-addressed, stamped business envelope for a response to: The Baltimore Review - PO Box 36418 - Towson, MD 21286
Writers Guidelines GO TO http://cass.etsu.edu/n&t/guidelin.htm
Now & Then , founded in 1984, is currently published twice annually by the Center for Appalachian Studies and Services (CASS) at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City and welcomes freelance contributions.
Each issue of Now & Then focuses on an aspect of life in the Appalachian region as defined by the Appalachian Regional Commission (West Virginia and the mountainous parts of 12 other states, including New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi). Previous issues have focused on the themes of Appalachia’s rivers, its museums and archives, language, health and illness, biographies and memoirs, architecture, recreation, transportation, and the new immigrants.
We seek nonfiction and fiction work, including news and feature articles, interviews, personal essays, reviews, short stories, poems, photos, photo essays, and line art or graphic illustrations. Work can have a contemporary or historical focus. Writing can include information gleaned from diaries, letters, and family histories, as well as standard research and reportage.Sample issues are available for $5 per copy by writing Sample Request, Now & Then, Box 70556, ETSU, Johnson City TN 37614-1707.
Before sending us any unsolicited submission, please make sure it conforms to one of our current themes.
For fullest and quickest consideration for WRITERS:
* Please submit by e-mail (nowandthen@etsu.edu) a brief one-page query or the completed manuscript in Microsoft Word document format if it is less than 1,000 words. Poets can submit up to five poems.
* Include a brief statement of the regional tie-in and your work’s pertinence to the theme.
* Include an e-mail and regular mailing address and phone numbers, along with the best times to call, so we can reach you easily.
* E-mail submissions are acceptable.
* We will need a short, 3-4 sentences maximum, contributor’s note to include with your submission.
Final copy should meet deadline and length specifications and be sent electronically (nowandthen@etsu.edu) with a hard-copy printout follow-up to Editor, Now & Then, Box 70556, ETSU, Johnson City TN 37614-1707. Hard-copy printouts of caption information are also required.
Poets: Send up to five poems for consideration to Linda P. Marion, 2909 Fountain Park Blvd., Knoxville TN 37917.
General Specifications Related to Content GO TO http://cass.etsu.edu/n&t/guidelin.htm
* Fiction, news and feature articles, interviews and personal essays generally run 1,000 to 2,500 words.
* Submit no more than five poems at a time. Poetry must also relate to the theme.
* Clearly label any first-person piece as either fiction or a nonfiction essay.
Nancy Fischman, Managing Editor Now & Then
CASS/ETSU - P.O. Box 70556
Johnson City, TN 37614-1707
FAX 423-929-7870
E-mail submissions are acceptable.
===WVW eNEWS composed, edited by George Lies for WVW, Inc.===