Thursday, August 30, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
ABZ Press Seeks Poetry Submissions
ABZ Press will soon be reading submissions for issue three of their poetry magazine.
According to their website: "We prefer interesting and exciting language. Our reading period is from September 1 to December 1 2007. Please send 4-8 poems typed with name and address and e-mail address on each page. If you want the poems returned, send a stamped self-addressed envelope with the correct US Postage. We do not accept e-mail submissions and poems sent other times can expect a long wait time. Send your poems and a SASE with correct postage to ABZ, PO Box 2746, Huntington WV 25727-2746. Back Issues are available for $8.00. Subscriptions are $8.00 a year postpaid. We pay a small stipend on publication and send two copies. "
According to their website: "We prefer interesting and exciting language. Our reading period is from September 1 to December 1 2007. Please send 4-8 poems typed with name and address and e-mail address on each page. If you want the poems returned, send a stamped self-addressed envelope with the correct US Postage. We do not accept e-mail submissions and poems sent other times can expect a long wait time. Send your poems and a SASE with correct postage to ABZ, PO Box 2746, Huntington WV 25727-2746. Back Issues are available for $8.00. Subscriptions are $8.00 a year postpaid. We pay a small stipend on publication and send two copies. "
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Belinda Anderson to teach Monroe Arts Alliance Workshop
(This information provided by WV Writers member and Monroe Arts Alliance representative Genevieve Sowards Gillen)
Have you ever thought about writing a family story? Or have you wanted to save an experience by writing about it? Has anyone ever said to you, "You should write a book!"
Here's your chance for a day of writing facilitated by local author Belinda Anderson. Belinda grew up in Monroe County and is one of today's leading Appalachian writers. Under her direction and guidance, numerous persons have had successful writing experiences. Some have gone on to write and publish books, both fiction and non-fiction. For the first time, the Monroe Arts Alliance has the opportunity to bring Belinda Anderson to Monroe County.
Saturday, September 22, 2007, the Monroe Arts Alliance is sponsoring a one-day workshop, "Intensive Writing," at Genevieve Gillen's Gallery on Swopes Knob, five miles from Union. The long view there oversees the ridges of four West Virginia counties.
Among her published works, Belinda Anderson is the author of The Well Ain’t Dry Yet and The Bingo Cheaters, both set in southern West Virginia. Belinda is a frequent presenter and speaker at conferences, libraries and book festivals. She was awarded special distinction in her promotion of writing here in West Virginia by West Virginia Writers, Inc.
Belinda Anderson conducts numerous writing classes and workshops throughout the state. This MAA workshop is limited to ten persons.
The Monroe Arts Alliance is delighted to make this learning experience in writing available to the public. The Monroe Arts Alliance, Inc., is a non-profit organization committed to community service through the promotion of the arts in Monroe County and the surrounding area. The purpose is exclusively charitable and for the enrichment of the general public.
The workshop begins with continental breakfast at 9 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m. The cost of the workshop is $40. For further details, contact Genevieve Gillen at 772-3305. Pre-registration is required.
Have you ever thought about writing a family story? Or have you wanted to save an experience by writing about it? Has anyone ever said to you, "You should write a book!"
Here's your chance for a day of writing facilitated by local author Belinda Anderson. Belinda grew up in Monroe County and is one of today's leading Appalachian writers. Under her direction and guidance, numerous persons have had successful writing experiences. Some have gone on to write and publish books, both fiction and non-fiction. For the first time, the Monroe Arts Alliance has the opportunity to bring Belinda Anderson to Monroe County.
Saturday, September 22, 2007, the Monroe Arts Alliance is sponsoring a one-day workshop, "Intensive Writing," at Genevieve Gillen's Gallery on Swopes Knob, five miles from Union. The long view there oversees the ridges of four West Virginia counties.
Among her published works, Belinda Anderson is the author of The Well Ain’t Dry Yet and The Bingo Cheaters, both set in southern West Virginia. Belinda is a frequent presenter and speaker at conferences, libraries and book festivals. She was awarded special distinction in her promotion of writing here in West Virginia by West Virginia Writers, Inc.
Belinda Anderson conducts numerous writing classes and workshops throughout the state. This MAA workshop is limited to ten persons.
The Monroe Arts Alliance is delighted to make this learning experience in writing available to the public. The Monroe Arts Alliance, Inc., is a non-profit organization committed to community service through the promotion of the arts in Monroe County and the surrounding area. The purpose is exclusively charitable and for the enrichment of the general public.
The workshop begins with continental breakfast at 9 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m. The cost of the workshop is $40. For further details, contact Genevieve Gillen at 772-3305. Pre-registration is required.
Monday, August 20, 2007
In Memorium
(The following was written by T.W. McNemar with photo by Phyllis Wilson Moore)

West Virginia Writers, Inc. and the very lot of us lost a true friend this weekend. Joe was so generous with his time as board member, mentor, and cheerleader to every single fledgling novice. Joe's plays have won awards and been performed in Washington, DC; San Francisco, CA; Florida; Maryland; New York; and West Virginia. He was a member of the Dramatists Guild, the Playwrights Forum, the Writers Center, and WV Writers, Inc. and even though his accomplishments were many, he never let you know you were in the presence of anyone other than just a friend. If ever he had bragging to do, it was of his wife, the artist Hilda Eiber. Please keep her and their family in your prayers.
I always looked forward to seeing Joe at Conferences and Book Festivals. I guess I always will.

Joe McCabe 1934 - 2007
West Virginia Writers, Inc. and the very lot of us lost a true friend this weekend. Joe was so generous with his time as board member, mentor, and cheerleader to every single fledgling novice. Joe's plays have won awards and been performed in Washington, DC; San Francisco, CA; Florida; Maryland; New York; and West Virginia. He was a member of the Dramatists Guild, the Playwrights Forum, the Writers Center, and WV Writers, Inc. and even though his accomplishments were many, he never let you know you were in the presence of anyone other than just a friend. If ever he had bragging to do, it was of his wife, the artist Hilda Eiber. Please keep her and their family in your prayers.
I always looked forward to seeing Joe at Conferences and Book Festivals. I guess I always will.
Joe McCabe passes
I have some sad news to pass along. I just learned this morning that Joe McCabe passed away this weekend while recovering at home from triple bypass surgery.
Joe was a wonderful, gentle human being and I'm so glad to have known him, if only for a handful of years. He has served this organization in many capacities over the years, but has done an amazing job as a repeated member of our nominations committee, helping to shape the direction of WV Writers in a very positive way.
"Positive" is one of the best possible words to describe Joe. He was one of those people you could spend five minutes with and know right away that you're in the presence of a good soul.
Our condolences go out to his wife Hilda and his family.
The memorial service for Joe McCabe will take place at the McCabe's home (82 Manassas Drive, Falling Waters, WV 25419. Phone: 304-274-6986) at 2 PM on Sunday, October 14.
Attendees should bring a covered dish. Joe's wife Hilda says that it will be akin to an Irish wake.
Joe was a wonderful, gentle human being and I'm so glad to have known him, if only for a handful of years. He has served this organization in many capacities over the years, but has done an amazing job as a repeated member of our nominations committee, helping to shape the direction of WV Writers in a very positive way.
"Positive" is one of the best possible words to describe Joe. He was one of those people you could spend five minutes with and know right away that you're in the presence of a good soul.
Our condolences go out to his wife Hilda and his family.
The memorial service for Joe McCabe will take place at the McCabe's home (82 Manassas Drive, Falling Waters, WV 25419. Phone: 304-274-6986) at 2 PM on Sunday, October 14.
Attendees should bring a covered dish. Joe's wife Hilda says that it will be akin to an Irish wake.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Book Signing & Author Meet at Nitro Public Library
(This news courtesy of Tammy Lynn Whisman)
Meet the Authors sponsored and hosted by Waldenbooks of Ashland, KY and Nitro Public Library.
On Saturday, September 15, 2007 from 1 - 4 p.m. several local and West Virginia authors will be at the Nitro Public Library to sign their books and talk with the public. An eclectic mix of genres will be represented. Books will be available for purchase.
Scheduled to attend:
Tammy Whisman
Robert W. Walker (WV Writers Conference Workshop Leader)
Jean Gillespie
Patti Lawson & Sadie
Sean McCracken
several others to be announced
Meet the Authors sponsored and hosted by Waldenbooks of Ashland, KY and Nitro Public Library.
On Saturday, September 15, 2007 from 1 - 4 p.m. several local and West Virginia authors will be at the Nitro Public Library to sign their books and talk with the public. An eclectic mix of genres will be represented. Books will be available for purchase.
Scheduled to attend:
Tammy Whisman
Robert W. Walker (WV Writers Conference Workshop Leader)
Jean Gillespie
Patti Lawson & Sadie
Sean McCracken
several others to be announced
Sunday, August 12, 2007
The 15th annual Columbus Writers Conference, scheduled for Friday, August 24, and Saturday, August 25, 2007, at the Fawcett Conference Center, 2400 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, offers more than 50 sessions on fiction and nonfiction topics presented by writers, editors, and literary agents.
Still available are some one-to-one literary agent, editor, and writer consultations and, also, a few Advance Critiques. The conference also features informal agent/editor chat sessions and open mikes for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and children's/young adult.
Conference topic areas include novel, nonfiction book, short story, children and young adults, memoir, poetry, screenwriting, author/editor relationship, finding and working with a literary agent, query letter, novel synopsis, nonfiction book proposal, pitching a book, book doctor, freelance writing, and the legal and business aspects of writing for books, film, and television.
To receive a brochure, e-mail conference director Angela Palazzolo at, or call 614-451-3075, or write The Columbus Writers Conference, P.O. Box 20548, Columbus, OH 43220. Details are also available on the Web site at
Still available are some one-to-one literary agent, editor, and writer consultations and, also, a few Advance Critiques. The conference also features informal agent/editor chat sessions and open mikes for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and children's/young adult.
Conference topic areas include novel, nonfiction book, short story, children and young adults, memoir, poetry, screenwriting, author/editor relationship, finding and working with a literary agent, query letter, novel synopsis, nonfiction book proposal, pitching a book, book doctor, freelance writing, and the legal and business aspects of writing for books, film, and television.
To receive a brochure, e-mail conference director Angela Palazzolo at, or call 614-451-3075, or write The Columbus Writers Conference, P.O. Box 20548, Columbus, OH 43220. Details are also available on the Web site at
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Whidbey Island Writers Association Critique Mania
What: Critique Mania: Fifty writers (plus!) from the US and Europe will to do critiques of your writing!
When: Submission between Aug. 1 and Aug. 31, 2007; ms. returned by Sept. 30, 2007.
Where: By mail! No gas to buy, no planes or ferries to catch, no clock to watch!
How: Mail one poem or the first three pages of prose (could be anything from a complete short-short or the opening to a novel) postmarked August 1 - 31. WIWA members request first, second and third choice authors, but when authors are “full,” then material will be sent to next author on the list (alphabetically, according to genre). Non-members’ work will be distributed to the first available author alphabetically, according to genre.
How much: Twenty bucks! ($20.00) plus two stamped envelopes! What a deal! Professional critiques would normally range from $25.00 - $75.00.
Why? Because this is a terrific benefit to the submitters AND because ALL the proceeds go to support the Whidbey Island Writer’s Association magazine, Soundings.
Everybody wins!
Soundings Magazine will publish creative nonfiction, poetry and fiction. Guidelines on the back
Soundings Magazine, Whidbey Island Writers Association
PO Box 1289, Langley, WA 98236 360-331-6714
WIWA is a not for profit 501 c 3 organization
1. Submit one poem of up to thirty lines or the first three pages (700 words), double-spaced and 12-point font, of prose (any genre). Must be postmarked between Aug. 1 – Aug. 31.
2. Include two stamped envelopes: one will be a return envelope to you with your address on it; the other will be used to forward your material to an author for a critique; do not address this one. Required.
3. Items to include:
To learn about this great organization, check out activities on the Web:
The names of authors available to critique your work are posted on the WIWA Website
4. Mail the above items to:
5. Up to three submissions are allowed; please use separate SASE and envelope for each submission (they might go to different authors).
6. To repeat: material will be disbursed to authors based on genre and alphabetical order EXCEPT for WIWA members first choices, as possible (see number 3 above).
7. Authors who do critiques will not be contacting submitters; submitters agree not to contact the authors about the critiques. If there are concerns or questions about critiques, contact Marian Blue through WIWA:
8. If all authors are “full,” your submission and check(s) will be returned to you.
When: Submission between Aug. 1 and Aug. 31, 2007; ms. returned by Sept. 30, 2007.
Where: By mail! No gas to buy, no planes or ferries to catch, no clock to watch!
How: Mail one poem or the first three pages of prose (could be anything from a complete short-short or the opening to a novel) postmarked August 1 - 31. WIWA members request first, second and third choice authors, but when authors are “full,” then material will be sent to next author on the list (alphabetically, according to genre). Non-members’ work will be distributed to the first available author alphabetically, according to genre.
How much: Twenty bucks! ($20.00) plus two stamped envelopes! What a deal! Professional critiques would normally range from $25.00 - $75.00.
Why? Because this is a terrific benefit to the submitters AND because ALL the proceeds go to support the Whidbey Island Writer’s Association magazine, Soundings.
Everybody wins!
Soundings Magazine will publish creative nonfiction, poetry and fiction. Guidelines on the back
Soundings Magazine, Whidbey Island Writers Association
PO Box 1289, Langley, WA 98236 360-331-6714
WIWA is a not for profit 501 c 3 organization
1. Submit one poem of up to thirty lines or the first three pages (700 words), double-spaced and 12-point font, of prose (any genre). Must be postmarked between Aug. 1 – Aug. 31.
2. Include two stamped envelopes: one will be a return envelope to you with your address on it; the other will be used to forward your material to an author for a critique; do not address this one. Required.
3. Items to include:
(as stated above) Your manuscript. A cover letter with your name, address, email and phone number. A check for $20 made out to Soundings. If you are a WIWA member, include your first, second and third choice author
preference (if all of these are “full,” your material will be sent to the next
author on the list by genre). WIWA members will have preference in each day’s
mail.If you’re not a WIWA member and you wish to join and list your top three
preferences for author critique, include a membership check for $20 made out to
WIWA (in addition to the critique fee).
To learn about this great organization, check out activities on the Web:
The names of authors available to critique your work are posted on the WIWA Website
4. Mail the above items to:
Soundings Critique Mania
Whidbey Island Writers Association
PO Box 1289
Langley, WA 98260.
5. Up to three submissions are allowed; please use separate SASE and envelope for each submission (they might go to different authors).
6. To repeat: material will be disbursed to authors based on genre and alphabetical order EXCEPT for WIWA members first choices, as possible (see number 3 above).
7. Authors who do critiques will not be contacting submitters; submitters agree not to contact the authors about the critiques. If there are concerns or questions about critiques, contact Marian Blue through WIWA:
8. If all authors are “full,” your submission and check(s) will be returned to you.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Tallahassee Writers Association now accepting submissions
The Tallahassee Writers Association is now accepting submissions for their annual Seven Hills Contest for writers. Memoirs, short stories, and children's literature entries must be no more than 2,500 words. In the essay category, entries should be 1,000 words or less. Manuscripts must be postmarked by Sept. 30. Please see the TWA website ( for complete contest rules and entry fees.
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