Joe McCabe 1934 - 2007
West Virginia Writers, Inc. and the very lot of us lost a true friend this weekend. Joe was so generous with his time as board member, mentor, and cheerleader to every single fledgling novice. Joe's plays have won awards and been performed in Washington, DC; San Francisco, CA; Florida; Maryland; New York; and West Virginia. He was a member of the Dramatists Guild, the Playwrights Forum, the Writers Center, and WV Writers, Inc. and even though his accomplishments were many, he never let you know you were in the presence of anyone other than just a friend. If ever he had bragging to do, it was of his wife, the artist Hilda Eiber. Please keep her and their family in your prayers.
I always looked forward to seeing Joe at Conferences and Book Festivals. I guess I always will.