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Monday, March 31, 2008

MiPOesias Magazine's Call for Chapbook Manuscripts

(This news courtesy of Tovli Simiryan)

MiPOesias Magazine has issued a Call for Chapbook Manuscripts.

MiPOesias Magazine is now seeking submissions of chapbook manuscripts from writers who have never published a chapbook or first book. Individual published pieces are fine, but the manuscript as a whole should be unpublished.

Send manuscripts through April 1st 2008. Manuscripts should include between 24-48 pages, a title page, a table of contents page, and a page including your name, email address, and mailing address. Please DO NOT send illustrations. Manuscripts that fail to meet our guidelines may be disqualified. We are interested in manuscripts of free verse, formal, or prose poetry. We are also interested in a collection of short stories, memoirs, or one story/memoir/poem that meets the page count guidelines. Interdisciplinary or collaborative work will also be considered. All subjects welcome. Translations will not be accepted.

Please use a standard font like Times New Roman (12pt) or Ariel (10pt). Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, attach file as either a Word for Windows .doc or .rtf file, and let us know it’s a chapbook submission in the subject line of the email. No submissions within the body of the email will be accepted or considered.

There are no reading or entry fees. The chapbook selected will be published by Didi Menendez (Menendez Publishing) and available via a print on demand service. Please send manuscripts to