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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

James Dickey Review seeking submissions

(This news courtesy Rhonda White)

The James Dickey Review, formerly the James Dickey Newsletter, invites submissions of poetry, nonfiction (including Dickey reminiscences and anecdotes), scholarly articles, and book reviews. Though attempting to maintain an artistic and intellectual connection to the work of James Dickey, the magazine accepts all manner of poetry, nonfiction, scholarly articles, and book reviews.

The JDR is published twice yearly, is assigned International Standard Series Number (ISSN) 0749-0291, is indexed in The Modern Language Association International Bibliography and The Humanities Index, and is cataloged in the Library of Congress.

Submit your work in an email (both in-text and as Word or RTF attachment) to:
JamesDickeyReview(at) (replace (at) with @)

Scholarly articles should follow MLA format.

Creative nonfiction (5,000 words or less)
Scholarly articles (5,000 words or less)
Poems (send no more than 5 at a time)
Book Reviews (500 words or less)

Payment for accepted work is a copy of the issue.

For additional information, please visit