Title: The Mothman Files
Publisher: Woodland Press, LLC
Editor: Bram Stoker Award-Winning Editor Michael Knost
Format: Trade Paperback
Payment: Five-cents per word (upon publication) plus contributor copy.
No reprints
Story length: Up to 3000 words
No multiple or simultaneous subs
Deadline: Friday, July 1, 2011
E-mail submissions to: themothmanfiles@yahoo.com
We will accept .doc attachments only. The editor is looking for fictional mothman stories. The setting is not limited to West Virginia or any other regional area known as mothman territory. The editor wants tales with a solid plot and good character development. Stories should grab the reader's attention quickly and hold it until the end. The editor wants powerful and emotional tales that are creepy, chilling, disturbing, and moody. Although stories will mainly target an adult/young adult audience, we DO NOT want stories containing language or content unsuitable for children.
Formatting your manuscript:
Use Times New Roman (12).
Italicize what you want italicized.
Single space after sentence-ending punctuation.
Be sure to include your name, address, email on manuscript.