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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Crow’s Quill Writers Group workshop this Saturday

The Crow’s Quill Writers Group is sponsoring a workshop this Saturday, April 16th in Clarksburg, WV and they are featuring Sandy Tritt. Sandy is owner and lead editor of Inspiration for Writers, a premier Editing and Ghostwriting service with clients on all corners of the globe.

Sandy will be leading a class on one of the toughest aspects of writing to grasp – ‘Point of View.’ If you take your writing seriously, please make time to attend this workshop. Sandy has a knack for showing folks how to structure their writing to more professional levels and if you think you may be interested in hiring a professional editing firm, this might be the opportunity you’re looking for.

The workshop will be held at the Waldomore Mansion, adjacent to the Harrison-Clarksburg Public Library in Clarksburg, Saturday April 16 at 10:AM. The Crow’s Quill is only requesting a $5.00 donation to defray costs and refreshments will be served.

Don’t miss this! It might be just what you need right now.

For more info contact: Debbie Crim
Ph. # 304-842-6889