Writers/Literary Conference set for
Oct. 12 in Charleston, WV
Top-Selling Authors Offer Advice and Experience
Terra Alta—Top-selling authors come together in Charleston one day before the West Virginia Book Festival. A day of workshops and speakers will be available at the Holiday Inn Civic Center on Oct. 12.
Sponsored by West Virginia publisher Headline Books, this promises to be a day of education and entertainment.
Published authors, would-be authors, readers, librarians, parents, teachers, and children are all invited to attend this one-day event. Details are available at
Headlining the event are Karna Small Bodman, former Senior Director of the National Security Council in the Reagan White House, and Rick Robinson, Grand Prize Winner at the London Book Festival.
Bodman is the author of four best-selling novels and her latest, Castle Bravo, unfolds a terrorist plot against the United States that threatens to take out all of the electronics through an electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) that is so prevalent in current news. She will speak at the conference about how she turned her White House
experience into novels.
Rick Robinson is the author of four political thrillers and one nonfiction e-book, Strange Bedfellow—a collection of political columns. A columnist for the online newspaper, The Daily Caller, published by Tucker Carlson, Robinson writes from personal experience in Washington when he was legal counsel for Kentucky Senator Jim Bunn. A multi-award winning author, Robinson will be giving two workshops: Tips for Authors and how to reap benefits from Social Marketing and Branding for Internet Success. Robinson's new novel, Writ of Mandamus, was chosen for the One Book One Community Library Program in Kentucky.
Other workshops include West Virginia authors Barbara Smith—Using the Senses to Improve Your Writing, Melissa Harker Ridenour—Keeping Kids Safe: Strategies for Stranger Awareness and Safety, Colleen
Driscoll—Santa Exercises and Runs Across the Curriculum, and Ed Rehbein—How to Improve Your Landscape, Waterfall, and Wildflower Photography.
Also featured are NASCAR children's author Tim Packman and master storyteller and Pulitzer Prize Nominee, Lynn Salsi. Both will have afternoon presentations so bring the kids! Packman and Funny Dan the
Race Car Man will be talking with children about writing and racing and each attendee will receive a free Funny Dan Activity Book. Salsi will be presenting the Appalachian Jack Tales and you don't want to miss this! She has traveled the world with her presentation and is the author of six books.
For writers we also feature Don Helin, author of Thy Kingdom Come. His new novel, Devil's Den, will be released next month in Gettysburg, Pa. Don is retired from a career at the Pentagon and is presenting a workshop on How Fast Can a Novel Run: The Art of Pacing. Karl Stewart, author of The Legend of See Bird: The Last Long Drive, is a native West Virginian now living in Michigan. He will be sharing tips on how
to Research and Write Westerns.
And a special feature to this conference is new author Kevin Murphy, author of Surviving Cancer After Surviving Cancer: Coping With the Emotional Side of Cancer, foreword by Dr. Bernie Siegel. Kevin is an
inspirational and motivational speaker and his story has helped thousands of families increase their chances of staying together after being ravaged by this dreaded disease. Kevin speaks to American Cancer Society groups, doctors, and at hospitals across the country and is the featured speaker at the Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center Survivor Luncheon at Lakeview Resort in Morgantown, W.Va.. August 24.
Headline Books will have 27 authors signing at the WV Book Festival on Saturday and Sunday at the Charleston Civic Center.
For more information about this event visit
www.HeadlineConference.com or call Headline Books 800-570-5951.
Authors available to speak to your group, book club, school. Children's School Show Program available.