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Monday, December 31, 2012

Madwomen in the Attic, WV, Creative Writing Workshops

Madwomen in the Attic, WV, Creative Writing Workshops
The Frank and Jane Gabor West Virginia Folklife Center

Fairmont State University

Poetry Workshop—Fridays 10:00 am – 12:00 noon
(no class March 15)

February 1 – April 26, 2103 (12 weekly classes), $175/workshop

This class will focus on workshopping your poetry, based on the idea that reading your work aloud and responding to the work of others—is integrally tied to the development of writing. We’ll talk about how to find your voice, how to hear and honor your own internal dreams and visions, how to value your own work and put yourself first. The skills of listening to critique and offering comments that are specific and based on craft will be emphasized.

Tuition includes a copy of Voices from the Attic, the annual anthology of creative writing by the Madwomen in the Attic, published by Carlow University Press.

About the instructor: Lori Wilson has been a member of the Madwomen in the Attic since 2007. She is the author of the poetry collection, House Where a Woman (Autumn House Press, 2009).  Her poems and reviews have appeared in literary journals such as Women’s Review of Books, Southern Poetry Review, Salamander, Kestrel, Cerise and 5 AM. A 2012 recipient of the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Creative Fellowship at the Virginia Center for Creative Arts, she holds an MFA in Poetry from Drew University and lives in Morgantown, West Virginia.
All workshops are open to beginning through advanced writers. Space is limited to 12 writers per workshop.

Registration and Payment Deadline: January 25, 2013
For a registration form or more information, contact:

Lori Wilson

Dr. Elizabeth Savage, FSU English Department

Saturday, December 29, 2012

New poetry collection from a WVW member

WV Writers member Debbie Richard has just had a new poetry collection published called Resiliency.  The collection is now available through her website, as well as through the publisher Finishing Line Press.

"Debbie Richard's poems are rich caches of personal and rural memories: of lazy walks under moss-draped oaks, of a two-room school house and life on the working farm of her youth, of the last days and words of beloved parents. Her writing is a gentle, generous gift to each reader. After reading each carefully written
piece, I felt grateful."

-Cynthia Hodell Dyer, poet and writer, Past President of South Carolina Writers' Workshop

"Resiliency captures the essence of the poet's life and her communities. Through uncomplicated prose, she takes us into her memories and holds us there safely, until we're ready to reflect on our own."
 -Carrie McCullough, publishing consultant and past vice president, conference chair of the South Carolina Writers' Workshop (2009-2011)

"Debbie Richard's poetry collection, Resiliency, takes the reader on a tender descriptive journey through place, past and present. Firmly rooted with family and the South, the reader will find this collection both accessible and familiar."
 -Sally Arango Renata, writer and folk-artist, has been published in a number of venues including: The Shine Journal, Ken*again, Pemmican and six poetry anthologies including (most recently) Vintage, published by Fortunate Childe Press. She is twice a Pushcart Prize nominee, placed numerous times in the IBPC and was named Poetry Fellow 2009-2010 by the SC Arts Commission.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

WVW e-Newsletter--December 17, 2012

December 17, 2013
It is the moment each week that I usually sit back, recheck the words you are about to read and consider hunting down some other little tid-bit to add in. I say usually because for the last three days I have been battling all aspects of communication on my computer. Downed internet, unloadable social pages, glitchy e-mail, and a website that needs updated but has been sitting on 90% loaded …again… for the past five minutes. The actual laptop beastie is doing just fine within itself; it just won't let me out of my little world without a battle. If you are wondering why I'm whining about my technology woes in your busy ears, it's because this strange partial exile from the digital world has really shined a spotlight on how much I rely on the interactions displayed on my screen. Whether it's one-on-one conversations, large group messages, or that lurking thing we all do through blogs and pages, technology eases our ability to connect with others of like mind or thought stretching diversity. Thank you for adding your own bits and pieces here to help each other find connections to new events and diverse opportunities. In this age of technology creating a second reality that is invisible until you log in, it is nice to know that West Virginia Writers, Inc. has so many great writers sharing their words and helping to shape the invisible into something beautiful.

From the desk of,

Brittney Cassity

From Other Pens
"I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions."
~James A. Michener

So This is Christmas

A Short Story Compilation from Terry McNemar

Just in time for Christmas comes this collection of five stories from former West Virginia Writers President. Terry brings his trademark Appalachian voice to these stories of War Vets and Christmas.

From Amazon:

So This Is Christmas is a five-short story collection of based around the Christmas season. Inspired by family and friends who have served in the United States military in various wars, I borrowed a line from the 1969 song, Happy Xmas, War is over to send this out. The only non-veteran tale is a short piece of a coming of age story that adds a bit of comic relief.

As you may have guessed, these are not light-hearted Christmas stories. This is a look at life that just happens to occur during Christmas in West Virginia.

I hope these short stories inspire you the yearlong. Merry Christmas!


Pick up your copy today from Amazon for $1.89, or if you are an Amazon Prime member, you can borrow it for free. Share it with a friend!

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Write What You Know

by R. G. Yoho

"Write what you know"
If you've ever attended a writers' conference or enrolled in a creative writing course, you've probably heard those words.
Now while this phrase makes for good advice, it also makes for a boring story.
Every writer or author will eventually come to a time when he needs to write about something of which he has no personal experience.
For instance, some of the world's greatest writing typically involves the subjects of life and death.
Life we all know.
Death? That is another story altogether.
Since most of us have never killed anybody and none of you reading this have ever been dead, then writing about these matters will require much more than a little imagination.
Moreover, there are many other interesting topics about which you may choose to write and you are largely unknowledgeable about those things as well.
That is where it helps to have a source.
This came to me the other day, while reading a post by one of our members.
In my earliest years as a writer, I often felt lost and alone, unsure of how to proceed in this strange, brutal, and unforgiving business. Not only did I determine that I would ultimately succeed in my desire to be a multi-published author; I also determined, if I did succeed, then I would become a friend and mentor to other struggling writers.
Therefore, I am hereby offering my services.
Whatever few skills and insights I might have, those I am willing to share with other up-and-coming authors.
Growing up on a farm, I know a good bit about farming and raising cattle. My study of history has given me some special insight into our nation's past and those who made it happen. Thirty years in manufacturing have educated me in chemicals and lab equipment, some of which are also used in forensic science. My interest in recreational shooting has given me an extensive knowledge about firearms and ammunition.
And as an avid hunter, I have occasionally seen things die by my hand.
Moreover, the fact that I have been married to the same woman, the love of my life for over thirty years, has given me the special insight that I know absolutely nothing about women.
Although I by no means consider myself an authority on anything, I am a devoted student of those things that interest me. And I'm more than willing to share what little bit I know with other writers who ask.
I've also learned that every single person is an expert on at least one thing. And everybody knows something I do not.
In the days and months to come, I will be acquiring a list of members, people who are knowledgeable in unique and specific areas, those who are willing to share their expertise with others in our organization.
Do you have a specific and unique knowledge of something? Are you willing to share that knowledge with others? And would you allow me to add your name to this list?
You may not always be able to know everything you wish to write. However, with the help of your fellow authors, maybe we can provide you with a quick and available source for that knowledge.

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Tri-State Holiday Author Fair

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To all of our members who have achieved their recent writing goals!

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Interesting Opportunities to Look Into

1) Shirley Keefer Topeka is looking for an author with a recently published picture book who would be interested in doing an hour long literacy café to promote their book at an early childhood conference in the Huntington are in March. If you would like more information please contact Shirley Keefer Topeka at (304) 416-0764

2) Robert Yoho brought up a very good idea on Facebook. He is suggesting putting together a list of people who are willing to share their expertise in various subjects. I can't think of a better place to begin this process than here in your e-newsletter. As Mr. Yoho put it: "Long ago, I learned that every single person is an expert on at least one thing." If you are willing to share your expertise, please feel free to send your contact information to Robert Yoho on Facebook (or you can e-mail to and we will be sure to get the information to him). Don't forget to check out the new section in the e-newsletter too. No matter what you are writing about, someone may have just the piece of information that will take your words from "that's nice" to "OH! WOW!"

Monday, December 17, 2012

A Short Story Compilation from Terry McNemar

Just in time for Christmas comes this collection of five stories from former West Virginia Writers President. Terry brings his trademark Appalachian voice to these stories of War Vets and Christmas.

From Amazon:

So This Is Christmas is a five-short story collection of based around the Christmas season. Inspired by family and friends who have served in the United States military in various wars, I borrowed a line from the 1969 song, Happy Xmas, War is over to send this out. The only non-veteran tale is a short piece of a coming of age story that adds a bit of comic relief.

As you may have guessed, these are not light-hearted Christmas stories. This is a look at life that just happens to occur during Christmas in West Virginia.

Pick up your copy today from Amazon for $1.89, or if you are an Amazon Prime member, you can borrow it for free. Share it with a friend!

So This Is Christmas
 byT.W. McNemar

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Marc Harshman signing at Taylor Books in Charleston

West Virginia Poet Laureate Marc Harshman will be autographing books, including his new book of poems, "Green-Silver and Silent," at Taylor Books in Charleston – Thursday, December 20th, 5 – 8 p.m. Joining him will be author Colleen Anderson whose wonderful new children’s book is just out this year, too.

For those further north, he’ll be doing a reading and signing at West Virginia Wesleyan on Saturday, December 29th at 6:30 p.m. there.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Kathy Kish's new eBook now available

Former WV Writers regional rep and newsletter editor Kathy Kish has a new ebook available through 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

WV Writers Fall Conference Postponed

AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FROM OUR PRESIDENT!!!!! President Teresa Newsome just got off of the telephone with the folks at our Elkins conference site and THEY ARE WITHOUT ELECTRICITY with no repairs available in the near future. THEREFORE, THE WV WRITERS FALL CONFERENCE IS IN THE PROCESS OF BEING RESCHEDULED!!! Please accept our apologies but this is beyond our control. We will be in touch with each of those who have already registered and if you've been awarded a scholarship, please wait to hear from us about rescheduling, we will honor these scholarships when the event takes place. REMEMBER, WE AREN'T CANCELING, WE'RE RESCHEDULING! WE WILL BE IN TOUCH VERY SOON AND PLEASE REMEMBER TO KEEP THOSE IN THESE STORM RAVAGED AREAS IN YOUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS. RESPECTFULLY, THE WV WRITERS PRESIDENT, Teresa Newsome AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Note: I'm posting this for Teresa because she is still without internet access.)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Free Mid-Week Poetry Jam featuring Joe Limer in Lewisburg

On October 17, Harmony Ridge Gallery in downtown Lewisburg will host a free mid-week Poetry Jam featuring National Poetry Slam competitor, spoken word poet, and WV-native Joe Limer. A former resident of Clarksburg and a graduate of both Fairmont State and WV University, Limer is a member of the 2012 San Diego Poetry Slam Team that made it to the semifinals of the National Poetry Slam championships this past summer in Charlotte, N.C.  They are currently ranked in the top 15 such teams in the country. 

Limer has performed in venues throughout the US, and has won or placed in poetry competitions in Pittsburgh, San Diego, Oceanside, and Encinitas, Ca.  When not performing, he is a political science professor at Palomar College in San Marcos, CA.  Limer also teaches writer's workshops at various high schools, colleges, and community centers.  With all of his travels, though, he says his home is still West Virginia and he enjoys returning here to promote the art of spoken word poetry.  (You can see an example of his work from the WV Writers 2012 Summer Conference on the WVW YouTube Page.)

Unlike a poetry slam, which is a fast-paced live poetry competition, a poetry jam is simply a gathering of poets to recite their work fueled by the energy of the performances of the other poets, as well as that of the audience.  Joining Limer for the poetry jam will be local poets Sarah Elkins and Tim Armentrout, who have teamed up before for local poetry recitals—most recently at a similar Harmony Ridge poetry jam during the Lewisburg Literary Festival.  And accompanying the poets will be disc jockey, DJ Merrick, who will spin music throughout the jam.

Sarah Elkins is a freelance writer. She lives in White Sulphur Springs with her husband, Max and son, Tad. She enjoys overcommitting herself to non-profit boards, coaching of various sorts, and cleaning missions. Poetry is cheaper than a therapist.

Tim Armentrout is a poet and performance artist from West Virginia. Author of Avoiding the End: (In)complete Poems (Livestock Editions) and All This Falling Away (Dusie), his poems have also appeared in Hot Whiskey, Slumgullion, Not Enough Night, Brown Bagazine, and Holler. He is a co-editor of Livestock Editions and serves as Editor-in-Chief of Beckley Online. More of his work can be found at

The Poetry Jam will take place October 17, starting at 7 p.m. at Harmony Ridge Gallery in downtown Lewisburg.  The Poetry Jam is being cosponsored by WV Writers, Inc.  The event is free and open to the public. 

Monday, October 01, 2012

Nancy Richmond Halloween Reading


WV Writers member Nancy Richmond will be reading from her books 'Haunted Lewisburg', 'Ghosts of Greenbrier County' and 'Appalachian Folklore' at the Irish Pub on Washington Street in Lewisburg on October 31, from 5-7.  

She will also be signing books after the reading.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Lewisburg Literary Tea Series starts Tuesday

Greenbrier Valley Theatre's Literary Tea series begins Tuesday October 2 at 5:30 p.m. at the Greenbrier Valley Theatre in downtown Lewisburg.  West Virginia Writers is a co-sponsor of the event which features professional actors from the theatre and members of West Virginia Writers reading stories while attendees enjoy cookies and tea.   This Tuesday features GVT actor Joe Lehman and former West Virginia Writers president Eric Fritzius who will read individual stories as well as team up for a unique performance piece by Fritzius.  The event is free.

The series continues each Tuesday in October at 5:30 p.m. at the Greenbrier Valley Theatre

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Registration Open for Fall Conference 2012

Registration for the 2012 WV Writers Fall Conference is now open.  The registration form can be downloaded from our Conference Page and will also appear in the upcoming print newsletter.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Full Bone Moon now on Kindle

Geoff Fuller's crime thriller Full Bone Moon has been released as an ebook for Kindle. It's been out as traditional Trade paperback since last fall, selling well and getting good reviews.

Inspired by the murders of Mared Malarik and Karen Ferrell in 1970 Morgantown, Full Bone Moon has been called a "gripping page-turner" and a "bona fide gut-wrencher" with enough quirky characters and red herrings to keep mystery fans reading late into the night.

You can pick it up at the link below for $3.49,  less than the price of lunch:

If you don't have a Kindle device, you can even download free software from Amazon that allows you to read ebooks on your desktop, laptop, tablet or phone.

And if you want to go the traditional route, Full Bone Moon is available from publisher Woodland Press here:

Thursday, August 30, 2012



NO ENTRY FEE Deadline: September 7, 2012.

Seeking original full-length plays confronting racial or ethnic issues, especially those calling for ethnically diverse and/or multi-racial casting with meaty roles for university-level actors.

Produced scripts are welcomed, but preference will be given to world premiers. Winner receives a $1,000 cash prize plus a staged reading and audience talk-back at Theatre University of Alabama Birmingham.

Submit script, along with a brief synopsis and a cover letter highlighting author's theatre experience. E-mail:

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Anthology of Appalachian Writers Call for Submissions

Colleagues and writers, please forward this email to your students, fellow writers, and colleagues, announcing submission information for volume five of the Anthology of Appalachian Writers, Gretchen Moran Laskas Volume.  Attached are full details about the anthology and submission requirements, also detailed in brief below.  Thanks for sharing. 
Dr. S. Bailey Shurbutt
AAW Managing Editor
The WV Center for the Book
The Shepherd University Foundaton
Submissions: To submit any original, unpublished work of fiction or poetry for consideration by the editors for the Anthology of Appalachian Writers, Gretchen  Moran Laskas Volume V, send an electronic copy, along with the information below, to Dr. S. Bailey Shurbutt,
Format for Submissions: Click here for submission format.
Deadline for Submissions: October 15, 2012.
Title of Submission:___________________________________________________________
E-mail:___________________________________ Phone:_____________________________
Brief Biography (limit 100 words):_______________________________________________

Monday, August 27, 2012

Regional WV Online Magazine Premiere


FLUENT MAGAZINE covers the arts, culture and events in West Virginia's Shenandoah Valley counties and neighboring regions.

With your free subscription to FLUENT, you'll receive a new issue every two months by email.

In the meantime, check out the FLUENT website at for daily updates, arts news and a comprehensive listing of regional arts and cultural events. You are receiving this issue because you have subscribed, have asked for a copy or are a friend of the publisher. I hope you enjoy it.

The next issue will be available in mid-September.

To read the premiere issue of FLUENT, click on the link below:

To download a pdf of the issue, go to

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

WV author Breece D'J Pancake honored

From Phyllis Wilson Moore 

The Summer 2012 issue of Appalachian Heritage features the work of WV author Breece D'J Pancake.
If you are interested in a copy, it is available from the subscription office: The U of NC Press.  The issue mentions Breece's interest in the work of author Chuck Kinder, also of WV. 
Telephone # is 919-962-4201 or email <>  
It is a nice retrospective of his work.
Perhaps we will see some festivals in his honor in the near future.  It would be great to have one in Milton and utilize "his library" there.   And we could have a festival to honor  Kinder in one of his WV home towns! 
Best regards,

Monday, August 13, 2012

Writers/Literary Conference Oct 12 Charleston WV

Writers/Literary Conference set for

Oct. 12 in Charleston, WV

Top-Selling Authors Offer Advice and Experience

Terra Alta—Top-selling authors come together in Charleston one day before the West Virginia Book Festival. A day of workshops and speakers will be available at the Holiday Inn Civic Center on Oct. 12.
Sponsored by West Virginia publisher Headline Books, this promises to be a day of education and entertainment.

Published authors, would-be authors, readers, librarians, parents, teachers, and children are all invited to attend this one-day event. Details are available at

Headlining the event are Karna Small Bodman, former Senior Director of the National Security Council in the Reagan White House, and Rick Robinson, Grand Prize Winner at the London Book Festival.

Bodman is the author of four best-selling novels and her latest, Castle Bravo, unfolds a terrorist plot against the United States that threatens to take out all of the electronics through an electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) that is so prevalent in current news. She will speak at the conference about how she turned her White House
experience into novels.

Rick Robinson is the author of four political thrillers and one nonfiction e-book, Strange Bedfellow—a collection of political columns. A columnist for the online newspaper, The Daily Caller, published by Tucker Carlson, Robinson writes from personal experience in Washington when he was legal counsel for Kentucky Senator Jim Bunn. A multi-award winning author, Robinson will be giving two workshops: Tips for Authors and how to reap benefits from Social Marketing and Branding for Internet Success. Robinson's new novel, Writ of Mandamus, was chosen for the One Book One Community Library Program in Kentucky.

Other workshops include West Virginia authors Barbara Smith—Using the Senses to Improve Your Writing, Melissa Harker Ridenour—Keeping Kids Safe: Strategies for Stranger Awareness and Safety, Colleen
Driscoll—Santa Exercises and Runs Across the Curriculum, and Ed Rehbein—How to Improve Your Landscape, Waterfall, and Wildflower Photography.

Also featured are NASCAR children's author Tim Packman and master storyteller and Pulitzer Prize Nominee, Lynn Salsi. Both will have afternoon presentations so bring the kids! Packman and Funny Dan the
Race Car Man will be talking with children about writing and racing and each attendee will receive a free Funny Dan Activity Book. Salsi will be presenting the Appalachian Jack Tales and you don't want to miss this! She has traveled the world with her presentation and is the author of six books.

For writers we also feature Don Helin, author of Thy Kingdom Come. His new novel, Devil's Den, will be released next month in Gettysburg, Pa. Don is retired from a career at the Pentagon and is presenting a workshop on How Fast Can a Novel Run: The Art of Pacing. Karl Stewart, author of The Legend of See Bird: The Last Long Drive, is a native West Virginian now living in Michigan. He will be sharing tips on how
to Research and Write Westerns.

And a special feature to this conference is new author Kevin Murphy, author of Surviving Cancer After Surviving Cancer: Coping With the Emotional Side of Cancer, foreword by Dr. Bernie Siegel. Kevin is an
inspirational and motivational speaker and his story has helped thousands of families increase their chances of staying together after being ravaged by this dreaded disease. Kevin speaks to American Cancer Society groups, doctors, and at hospitals across the country and is the featured speaker at the Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center Survivor Luncheon at Lakeview Resort in Morgantown, W.Va.. August 24.

Headline Books will have 27 authors signing at the WV Book Festival on Saturday and Sunday at the Charleston Civic Center.

For more information about this event visit or call Headline Books 800-570-5951.

Authors available to speak to your group, book club, school. Children's School Show Program available.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Lee Maynard on Fresh Air

A 2003 interview with Lee Maynard was just rebroadcast on Fresh Air with Terry Gross on August 3rd! It's a great interview.  Hear it at the link below...

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

First Fridays after 5 in Downtown Lewisburg Kick off the Lewisburg Literary Festival

Join the kick-off of the first annual Lewisburg Literary Festival on First Fridays After Five on August 3rd at 5pm in Downtown Lewisburg.  From a meet & greet with authors at The Literary Town Square, an Edgar Allan Poe reading in the Old Stone Cemetery, and a unique interactive Literary Art Walk through town, to an impressive Poetry Jam and famous author face-painted moustaches … this festival is packed with creativity and fun for all ages!  All events are free to the public.

Begin with a visit to the Literary Town Square at the Greenbrier Valley Visitors Bureau, featuring a meet and greet with West Virginia authors & regional publishers.  Authors will be reading their works on stage throughout the evening. 

Next, stroll through town and discover creative art & literature installations on every block.  Starting with the City Green Space, witness an innovative artistic expression, called Yarn Bombing.  Enjoy this 3-dimensional canvas, from knitted tree trunks, a knitted statue, to a knitted bicycle and knitted fence posts, while reading the accompanying short story.  In the City Council Chambers, discover the Literary Laundry Room, an uncharacteristic photo exhibit that invites the public to become the authors. 

As you walk through town, look up and you’ll spot Mark Blumenstein’s “Wally, The Wall Walker” climbing the walls of Harmony Ridge Gallery.  Or step inside the Greenbrier Valley Visitors Bureau and discover a unique mixed media installation by Charleston Artist, Mark Tobin Moore.  You will also discover the 7 foot tall Pirate Skeleton by artist Fred Conlon, standing guard in an alley off of Washington Street.  Read about the pirate’s turbulent life and his misery. 

Further down the road catch a glimpse of the Intergalactic Bounty Hunter, made of found objects chasing aliens in front of Brick House Antiques.  Read the poem that accompanies a painting by Lynn Boggess in the window of Cooper Gallery and finally don’t miss the film short by Russell Williams in the windows of what used to be Sailor Crafts Woodworks.

Take a break in the City Greenspace to enjoy the tunes of local acoustic guitarist and singer Jim Snyder.  A native West Virginian, Jim has been coined WV’s Jimmy Buffett.  His tunes are easy listening, folk and pop.  Jim will be performing until 9pm.

Keep your eyes peeled for periodic special impromptu performances by The No Pants Players throughout downtown.  They are recognized as West Virginia’s best improv comedy.   Prepare to be entertained.

Late evening, as the sun has set, at 9:20pm, see Edgar Allan Poe, as he appears in the Old Stone Cemetery.  Take a seat and listen to a reading of his memorable works, “The Raven” and “Annabel Lee”.

Several shops are also hosting fun events throughout the evening.  The Darling Exchange is offering a book exchange.  Bring in up to 5 used children’s books and trade them for new used books.  Kids can also participate in a “make your own bookmark” craft project.  Honnahlee hosts a “Find It” literary challenge.  Children are asked to find items from their favorite stories and win a “Find It’ game of their own.  First National Bank will be giving away a free book for children ages 3 to 5.  Wolf Creek Gallery is offering free face-painted moustaches.  Choose a moustache from Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman and other famous authors and make it yours. 

Harmony Ridge Gallery challenges you to a “Match Game”.  Match up the quotes with the books successfully and enter a drawing to win a vintage book journal.  Studio 40 hosts a show with Josh Miller, whose fanciful, colorful artwork will be based on characters and themes from books and movies.  At Bella The Corner Gourmet, meet local chef, Hall Hitzig, The Crazy Baker, who is featured as a fantastic food creator in Southern Living’s “Off The Eaten Path” travel cookbook.  Meet the chef, get your book signed, sample foods and listen to great WV food stories!

To top off the evening, an extraordinary line-up of poets will perform at The Irish Pub from 9:30pm to 11:30pm at a Poetry Jam:  Tim Armentrout, local poet, performance artist & curator of this event, Andrew Peterson a Massachusetts based poet, Joseph Cooper, author of “Touch Me”, freelance writer Sarah Elkins and award winning poet Crystal Good from Charleston, WV, who is hailed as “an astonishing new voice into the national poetry circuit” by Huffington Post.  Don’t miss this talented group of poets.

Live music can also be found at Plants Etc with Herding Cats and at the General Lewis Inn with Pushin’ String.

For more information about the festival call 1800-833-2068 or go to

Monday, July 30, 2012

Lewisburg Literary Festival Offers Free Activities for Children

The Lewisburg Literary Festival has a great line-up of free activities for children, including presentations and readings by childrens book authors Sarah Sullivan and Sarah Dooley, book give-aways, a book exchange and a bookmark craft project. Activities take place during the festival on Friday evening, August 3rd and all day Saturday, August 4th.

Sarah Sullivan is the author of four children’s picture books including “Once Upon a Baby Brother”, which won the Bank Street College Best Children’s Book List in 2011. Her recent book, “Passing the Music Down”, is a 2012 N.C.T.E. Notable Children’s Book in Language Arts. Her children’s workshops enthrall a variety of young readers and toddlers, from 3 to 11 years of age. On Saturday at 11am at The Greenbrier Valley Theatre, Sarah will read to her young audience.

Sarah Dooley is the author of “Body of Water”, described by Kirkus Reviews as an enthralling tale that humanizes homeless families and inspires reflection on friendship, forgiveness and moving forward. It is a compelling story rife with drama, suspense and heart. Sarah is also the author of “Livvie Owen Lived Here”, about a young girl, Livvie, who is autistic and has to move repeatedly due to her outbursts. Both books are for children from 10 to 14 years of age. Sarah will read from her books at The Greenbrier Valley Theatre on Saturday, August 4th, following Sarah Sullivan at 11:30am.

On Friday evening, during First Fridays After Five, Honnahlee will host a “Find It” Literary Challenge. Children will be asked to find items from their favorite stories and win a “Find It” game of their own or other great prizes. On Saturday, Honnahlee continues with children activities, by offering storybook themed activities, including a coloring contest.

The Darling Exchange is hosting children’s activities throughout the evening on First Fridays After Five and all day Saturday. Stop by with your young one for a children’s book exchange. Anyone may bring in up to 5 older/used children’s books and trade them for new used books. Kids can also participate in a “make your own bookmark” craft project. Walk-ins and all ages are welcome.

First National Bank will be giving away a free book for children ages 3 to 5 throughout the evening on First Fridays After Five and on Saturday morning at their downtown office, while supplies last.

The Lewisburg Literary Festival is a vibrant two day event, featuring authors, outdoor art installations, musical entertainment and performance art, all inspired by literature. The festival takes place annually on the first Friday and Saturday in August. This year, 2012, the event will be held on August 3rd & 4th.
For updates on the festival, log onto the Festival website at Information is also available at 800-833-2068 or follow us on Facebook as a friend of the Lewisburg Literary Festival.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

WV Writers member released new poetry collection

In November, Finishing Line Press will publish a new collection of poems by WV Writers member Debbie Richard, entitled Resiliency

“Debbie Richard’s poems are rich caches of personal and rural memories: of lazy walks under moss-draped oaks, of a two-room school house and life on the working farm of her youth, of the last days and words of beloved parents. Her writing is a gentle, generous gift to each reader. After reading each carefully written piece, I felt grateful.” -Cynthia Hodell Dyer, poet and writer, Past President of South Carolina Writers’ Workshop

“Resiliency captures the essence of the poet's life and her communities. Through uncomplicated prose, she takes us into her memories and holds us there safely, until we're ready to reflect on our own.” -Carrie McCullough, publishing consultant and past vice president, conference chair of the South Carolina Writers' Workshop (2009-2011)

“Debbie Richard’s poetry collection, Resiliency, takes the reader on a tender descriptive journey through place, past and present. Firmly rooted with family and the South, the reader will find this collection both accessible and familiar.” -Sally Arango Renata, writer and folk-artist

Pre-publication period: July 24-Sept 8. Resiliency ships November 3. Please note that if you place your order during the pre-publication period, before September 9, shipping is only $1.99 per copy. The press run is based on pre-publication sales.

Order details at

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Lee Maynard, Pops Walker and Kipyn Martin at The Lewisburg Literary Festival

The Lewisburg Literary Festival welcomes Lee Maynard and Pops Walker to The Lewis Theatre on Saturday, August 4th from 5pm to 6pm.  Lee Maynard, author, educator and humanitarian, will be reading from his works to the music accompaniment of Pops Walker, a veteran, a musician and a writer.  This event is free to the public and seating is offered on a first come, first served basis.

Brutal, poignant, honest, vivid and breathtaking.  These are the words that describe the works of Lee Maynard. From the "hollers" of West Virginia to the jungles of Central America, Lee's novels take his readers on a series of incredible journeys that not only capture the imagination, but also touch the soul.

Lee Maynard was born and raised in the hardscrabble ridges and hard-packed mountains of West Virginia, an upbringing that darkens and shapes much of his writing. He has received the National Endowment for the Arts Literary Fellowship. As a journalist, Maynard was an assignment writer for Reader's Digest for more than two decades. His journalism and non-fiction work has appeared more than 100 times in publications as diverse as The Saturday Review, Rider Magazine, Washington Post, Country America, Dual Sport News and Christian Science Monitor. His latest novel, The Scummers, the final novel in the trilogy that includes the oft-banned Crum and Screaming with the Cannibals, was published in April by Vandalia Press.

Pops Walker retired from the US Army in 2003 and entered into to his second career as a performing singer/songwriter.   On the day of his retirement, he packed his guitars into his car and drove to Charlestown, WV, where he was the opening act for the Mountain Stage New Song Festival.  Since then, he’s enjoyed a reputation as one of the most passionate solo performers in his field, playing at festivals, acoustic listening rooms, theaters, and his favorite venues: house concerts.  Listening to any of his seven CDs, one can hear dashes of folk, jazz, country, and a tidy little genre called Southern Fried Zen Mojo, a phrase coined just for him.  

Later that evening at 9pm, enjoy the free music performance by Pops Walker, with special guest, Kipyn Martin at Del Sol Cantina & Grille.   Pops and Kipyn will entertain their audience with blues, folk and jazz.

Composer Kipyn Martin comes from the Shenandoah Valley—an area well-known for Appalachian folk music.  Often compared to Joni Mitchell, Dar Williams, and Joan Baez, Kipyn sings from the core. She was a semi-finalist in the 2007 New Song Academy Songwriting Competition, and a finalist in the 2009 Shenandoah Valley Acoustic Roots Songwriting Competition.  Also, Kipyn has shared stages with such artists as Chuck E. Costa, Trina Hamlin, Beaucoup Blue, and as on this night, Pops Walker. Kipyn is a versatile performer, mostly operating within blues and folk genres. Listeners can expect no frills, just soul.

The Lewisburg Literary Festival is a vibrant two day event, featuring authors, outdoor art installations, musical entertainment and performance art, all inspired by literature.  The festival takes place annually on the first Friday and Saturday in August.  This year, 2012, the event will be held on August 3rd & 4th. 

For updates on the festival, log onto the Festival website at  Information is also available at 800-833-2068 or follow us on Facebook as a friend of the Lewisburg Literary Festival.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Free eBook by Daleen Berry

From WV Writers member Daleen Berry:
Daleen Berry2:29pm May 26
From midnight last night until 11:59 p.m. Monday (PST) my e-book, "Sister of Silence," is free at Amazon. I'm calling it a Memorial Day Special, in honor of the women who have or are fighting another kind of war.

Even if you have already read it, please download a copy or gift one to someone who needs it.

Please download it in honor of Shannon Stafford, Lori Dodson and Leslie Layman, the three Preston County women who died from DV in just three weeks here. (For more info, see my website, but realize this does not count the murders in the other 54 WV counties.)

We may not eradicate DV, but I really believe we can make a difference, and the fact that Sen. Rockefeller has invited me (and others) to a roundtable meeting to discuss what can be done next week shows that people in positions of power recognize something needs to change.

Out of courtesy for the tons of people I've included in this email, please do NOT reply to it. If you want to contact me, just email me privately at

Thank you, very much!

PS: If you don't have a Kindle, that's okay. Amazon has a free app you can download, so you can then read any of their e-books on your tablet, phone, or computer.
Sister of Silence
An amazing true-crime story that unfolds faster than you can keep up, and leaves you longing for mor...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Doug & Telisha Williams Sampler from WVW Conference 11

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Friday Night Entertainment at the 2012 Summer Conference

On Friday night, comedian and WVW member Steve Goff presents "The West Virginia Writers Rough Draft Radio Show". Sit back a let your fellow WV Writers entertain you as we draw from our membership to put together a rollicking evening of comedy, music and good vibes.

We will close the evening with the triumphant return of Doug and Telisha Williams. D&T made their conference debut last year and were such a smash, we're bringing them back. Lucky us. They will also be teaching songwriting workshops during the day!

If you plan to attend the conference, and would like to be a part of the show please contact Steve Goff at the address below.  We've got a limited amount of time and can't insure everyone will get a slot. I'm looking for variety, so tune up the old saw, or dust off that comic monologue you wrote in high school. Steve Goff. WV Writers Rough Draft Radio Show .

Monday, May 07, 2012

Conference First Timers Guidelines 2012

We recommend that you register in advance by completing the forms on our web site at

If you plan to stay overnight, be sure to fill out the separate Cedar Lakes form, as well. You'll also need to fill it out if you plan to eat meals there, which I recommend, because it's hard to get out and back without missing a workshop or two.

On the weekend of the conference, stop at the Cedar Lakes office when you enter the grounds. The office is the first building on your right as you enter. You'll get your meal tickets (more like a typed sheet of paper) and your room keys. DO NOT LOSE YOUR MEAL TICKET.

Ask the Cedar Lakes staff to point out the Assembly Hall building for you (they'll give you a map, too, but you can see the building from the office). Come there next and register. If you have pre-registered and prepaid in full, there is usually a "quick line" you can jump to and simply check your name off the list, grab your name tag and goody bag (we always have the best goody bags of any writers conference), and head to step three. If you still need to register, that's fine too. We accept cash, checks, and can now accept credit cards via Square Up at the registration desk.  (Cedar Lakes can accept credit cards for room and meals).

Stop by the reception table for a cold (or hot) drink and a snack.

The Assembly Hall is also where the Writer's Wall competition is located. For the Writer's Wall, participants can bring in a one page piece of poetry and/or prose to anonymously post to the wall (which means, naturally, that your name must not appear on it). There will be a sign up book and an intern to help with the process, assigning each entry a number which conference attendees will be able to vote for using the ballot slip in their goodie bags. The winners will be announced at the Awards Banquet on Saturday night.

Similarly, there will be five total sessions of People's Choice, with prose and poetry sessions on Friday evening and prose, poetry and youth sessions on Saturday. During People's Choice, attendees are invited to read a piece of their own work that must come in at under 5 minutes in length. After all the pieces are read, ballots will be passed out for fellow readers and other attendees to vote on their favorite pieces. Winners will be announced at the Awards Banquet on Saturday night.

You don't have to register for the individual workshops in advance. Just pick them as you go. Some people find that it's easier to print out the schedule (or use the one given to you at registration, which will be the most accurate) and then highlight two classes each session that you're interested in. Then, when the time arrives, you can pick between the two. Some people like to have a "back up class" in case one is overcrowded, or in case you find yourself enjoying a particular track so much that you want to stick with it (poetry vs. non-fiction, for example). We would recommend that you take at least one class outside of your chosen genre; not just for the broadened experience, but because you might find inspiration or a particular nugget of writing wisdom that you can apply to what you're working on. For example, if you write fiction, take a poetry workshop or a nonfiction editing workshop, which can help with your craft.

Be sure to dress light but bring a sweater and an umbrella. It’s an annual tradition that it rains very hard on at least one of the conference days. The classrooms can also be hot. And wear shoes that are comfortable for walking, not only for walking to and from the dining hall but for taking strolls around the grounds of Cedar Lakes.  Oh, and open toed shoes can be sort of iffy, for there is a great deal of goose poo to be found in certain parts near the big lake.

We also hope you're planning to attend the banquet and stick around for entertainment, as we'll have some nice surprises in store!

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Manuscript critiques at the WV Writers Summer Conference

WVW is pleased to announce that manuscript critiques will be available for the 2012 conference. You may have up to 8 pages of your manuscript and a one-page synopsis or up to 8 pages of poetry critiqued for a cost of $25.00. This includes a 15-minute, individual session with the critiquing author
during the conference. The number of critiques is limited, so they will be taken on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Here's a list of the award-winning authors who will be offering critiques:

1)  Lee Maynard – Appalachian, memoir, humor, adventure, etc. (wear your thick skin and be ready for Lee's honest, tough, evaluation of your work.);

2)  Sandy Tritt – Short story, inspirational, how-to-books, etc. (;

3)  Michael Knost – Sci/Fi, horror, supernatural, fantasy, etc. (;

4)  Geoff Fuller – Anything - except poetry (, conference presenters' bios)

5)  Wilma Acree – Poetry only (;
6)  Karin Fuller – Memoir, humor, children's books, inspirational, romance, etc. (, conference presenters' bios)

If you would like a critique, here's what you do:

1)  Select a writer from the list that you feel best matches your work;

2)  Email Teresa Newsome at or call her at 304-601-2460 to reserve your slot.

3)  Mail your manuscript and $25.00 check or money order (payable to WV Writers, Inc.) to Teresa Newsome, 5245 Pond Fork Road, Madison, WV 25130, no later than May 21. Please do not send a manuscript if you have not reserved a time slot.

Hurry! This is an opportunity too good to miss.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Call for Papers: Appalachian Visions of China

(This courtesy of Cat Pleska)

Call for Papers

SAMLA Convention
November 9-11, 2012
Durham, North Carolina 27709

Session: Appalachian Visions of China

Appalachian literature is known for its strong sense of place, emphasizing the local. However, the influence of Chinese poetry and philosophy on contemporary Appalachian writing is surprisingly strong. Chinese images, ideas, and styles appear in numerous poems and stories by contemporary Appalachian authors, for example, in the works of George Scarbrough, Jeff Daniel Marion, and Charles Wright. This session will explore how twentieth- and twenty-first century Appalachian poetry and prose uses images, ideas, and styles associated with ancient and modern China. Also welcome are presentations on how American authors—such as the Nobel-Prize winning author, Pearl Buck, and Beat-generation poets Gary Snyder and Kenneth Rexroth—have influenced Appalachian writers' concepts of China and its culture. In brief, this session seeks papers that discuss and illustrate the "China" of Appalachian imagination, both in terms of theme and technique.

(Session Chair, Rob Merritt; Session Secretary, Eddy Pendarvis)

Please submit a 250-word abstract no later than May 15, 2012 to Rob at the email address below.

Rob Merritt, PhD
Professor of English
Chair, Division of Language, Literature and Communications
Bluefield College
Bluefield, VA 24605
276-326-4270 (office)
304-920-1860 (cell)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Free Improv/Creativity Workshop!

West Virginia Writers' own Steve Goff will host a Free Improv/Creativity Workshop!
"Improv Your Creativity, Improv Your Life!"

This will take place at the Bridgeport Public Library - Sat. May 12, 2012 from 1:30 pm - 4 pm.
Utilizing the techniques of comedy improvisation, participants will learn how to jump start and maintain their creativity. Comedy improv requires getting out of your own way, being in the moment, and quieting your inner critic. Recharge your muse. Focus your creative efforts. Challenge that
cranky critic.

Space is limited, pre-registration required. Call 304-842-8248 to register.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cheryl Denise Poetry Reading in Morgantown

(This news courtesy Kirk Judd)

On Friday, May 18, 2012 at 7:30pm, Cheryl Denise and Kirk Judd will present a poetry reading at the Blue Moose Cafe, 248 Walnut Street, Morgantown, WV. 

This reading will be to celebrate the publication of Cheryl's new collection "What's in the Blood". Please join us to hear this unique blend of two of West Virginia's finest poetic voices.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Morgantown Poets featured writer: Susanna Holstein (aka Granny Sue) is the featured...

(This news courtesy of Diane Tarantini)

Susanna Holstein (aka Granny Sue) is the featured writer at Morgantown
Poets this Thursday night at the MAC in Morgantown at 7:00 p.m.. If
you're within an hour's drive, I hope you'll come out and make her
(and Larry) feel at home.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ruby Lioness Press seeks submissions

Ruby Lioness Press Co-owner, Marissa Dobson, is taking 1-5 line pitches on

She is mainly looking for short stories and novellas, but is open to novel-length pitches as well.

The rules are simple:

1. Contest opens at 8:00 A.M. EST and runs through 8:00 P.M EST April 26, 2012

2. Submit a 1-5 line pitch.

3. Please provide the length (finished or expected) and genre of your pitch also.

If you have any questions, or would prefer to email them, you can email me at:

About Ruby Lioness Press:

Ruby Lioness Press is a semi new publisher, but all of our staff has been in the business for years. We are here to help authors reach their goals. Our release schedule is growing rapidly; be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to be a part of the Ruby Lioness Press family. Ou rstandard royalty percentage is 50% of the sale price of your e-book and 40% for print.

Website –

Facebook -

We have a multi-author series (which you can pitch for also, just please mention that in the post). For more information on the multi-author series, follow these links:

Website –

Facebook –

Marissa's bio:

Born and raised in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area, I now reside about an hour from Washington, D.C. I am a lady who likes to keep busy, and am always busy doing something. With two different college degrees, I believe you are never done learning.

Being the first daughter to an avid reader, this gave me the advantage of learning to read at a young age. Since learning to read I have always had my nose in a book. It wasn't until I was a teenager that I started writing down the stories I came up with.

My first experience in publishing was reviewing and then marketing. It wasn't until I was in the business a year or more that I had enough courage to submit something to be published. Now between writing, marketing, and running Ruby Lioness Press my days are full.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

West Virginia Writers Inked anthology selections announced

(From WV Writers President Cat Pleska...)

On behalf of Woodland Press, LLC, Editor Michael Knost, and myself, I am happy to announce the works and their authors selected for the West Virginia Writers Inked (working title) anthology. First, I admit the choices were difficult, but in a way, it was a delightful difficulty. Let me explain: with so many good entries, it was difficult because I could not choose them all, but the ones chosen are representative of the diversity and quality of writing by members of West Virginia Writers. Thanks go to all of you who submitted. Cat Pleska, senior editor

Wilma Acree If You See Buzzards
Belinda Anderson Pee Wees' Playhouse
Laura Treacy Bentley Caving
Beverly Bisbee Holding Memories
Ginger Hamilton Caudill Bringing Home the Bacon
Mary Lucille DeBerry Odd
Ethan Fischer New Choir Choice
Geoff Fuller Splinters
Karin Fuller Puddles
Kathleen Furbee Christmas Cards
Mathilde Hall The Forgetting
Susanna Holstein Sago
Marion Kee On Hearing Bill Withers in the Ninth Grade
Frank Larnerd Garbageman Stan
Llewellyn McKernan Time and Change
Rob Merritt Sky Teacher
John Mugaas Arizona
Patricia Patteson Broken Chain
Edwina Pendarvis Hallowmas
Joshua Robinson Last Letter
Christine Roth Calling Me Home
Jason Roth The Song
Lynne Schwartz-Barker The Climb
Susan Sheppard The Green Children
Barbara Smith Dog Days
Diane Tarantini To Make Her Smile
Frances VanScoy Canning Beans

Geoff and Karin Fuller win Writers Digest contests

(From WVW Member Diane Tarantini...)

Whoo hoo!  If you get Writers' Digest (specifically the May/June issue), turn to pages 46 and 47. Geoff Fuller is on p. 46 with his win in the crime genre. Karin is on 47 with her win in romance. Way to go Fuller family. Way to go West Virginia Writers:)

Monday, April 09, 2012

Romance Writing Conference in Virginia Beach

Virginia Romance Writers is hosting a romance conference in Virginia Beach (May 4 and 5).  Workshops are planned that writers of all genres might find of interest, include a two-part workshop by author Barbara Samuel (Barbara O'Neal) on voice. They're also offering agent/editor appointments and single-day registration options.
Here are details:
2012 For the Love of Writing Conference
May 4 - 5, 2012
Virginia Beach Resort Hotel and Conference Center
Virginia Beach, VA
Now accepting conference registrations.

Monday, April 02, 2012

"Location Location" Play Contest seeking submissions

Charleston Stage Company & FestivALL announcethe 2012 LOCATION, LOCATION!

-New Play Contest-
The Library Play

This year’s play will take place at Kanawha County Public Library, 123 Capitol Street, in the Children’s Reading Room, June 23, 2012 at 11:00am, 1:00pm, 2:00pm and 3:00pm.

The Rules are as follows:
•Play must have at least one Librarian
•Play may incorporate one or any of the following NOISE making props; BELL, TAMBOURINE, WHISTLE, WIND CHIMES OR A WHOOPEE CUSHION
•The first line of Dialogue must be “Quiet, please.”
•Play may have 4 to 6 characters of any age/gender
•Play must have a run time of no more than 15 and no less than10 minutes
•Play may be comedic or dramatic, but must be appropriate for all ages.
•All playwrights must be West Virginia residents.
•Play may not have been produced previously.
•Playwrights may submit more than one play. Collaborations between writers are also acceptable.
•Playwrights should be able to attend the 11am performance on Saturday, June 23rd
•All plays must be typewritten and mailed to the Charleston Stage Company at 123 Summers St., Charleston, WV 25301 by May 10, 2012 or emailed in Word or PDF format to

The plays will be read and judged by out-of-state judges who will consider (among other things) creative use of the space.

For more information call 304-766-5721 or visit

Made possible by funding through the West Virginia Commission on the Arts and FestivAll Charleston.

This is the Seventh year for LOCATION! LOCATION! Past productions include the Bank Lobby Play, the Trolley Play, the Elvis Play, The Crossing Play, River Play and the Salon Play.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Free writers workshop this weekend in Lewisburg

There will be a free writers workshop on Saturday, March 24 from 1-5 at Deep River Creative on Washington Street in downtown Lewisburg. The workshop, called New Voices, is one of the programs developed by the High Rocks organization of Hillsboro. Attendees will develop written pieces during the workshop from 1-4 followed by a reading of those pieces from 4-5.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rarity from the Hollow reprint

WV Writers member Robert Eggleton's novel Rarity from the Hollow has been reprinted by Dog Horn Publishing in Leeds, England. It is now on Amazon and is supposed to come out as a hardback in June.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Writers' Toolkit 2012

The West Virginia Division of Culture and History in collaboration with the West Virginia Library Commission will present an intensive creative writing skills workshop on Saturday, March 17, from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., at the Culture Center, State Capitol Complex in Charleston.WV Writers members Sandy Tritt, Sarah Sullivan, Karin Fuller, and Danny Boyd will be presenters.

Please see the flyer below for information.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Raleigh County Poetry Reading

Open mic poetry reading
                First come, first heard
      Beckley Raleigh County Library
            Monday, April 2nd, 6-8pm
     In the Mary Louise Graham Room
                            Plan to join us.
 Read your own, read your favorite, just join us.
  Good company, refreshments will be served.
                        Sponsored by
                   Friends of the Library
               Writers Group at the Library

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Best Dog now on sale

(This news courtesy of WV Writers member Annette Krause)

The Best Dog - a charming childrens book written and illustrated by Benjamin Thomas Brown of Jane Lew in Lewis County is available for $6.60 at Author House online.  (ISBN #9781452010106)

This is the perfect gift for any young child. Written in rhyme, the story of many dogs (the best being the one you grew up with) the book lends itself to memorization. Parents should be ready to hear the words, "Please, read it again!"

Ongoing Poetry Workshop

Ongoing Poetry Workshop/class every Thursday night, 7:00 p.m. at the Dils Center in downtown Parkersburg. There is no charge for this weekly class, but any small donation is appreciated.

Would you like to write a poem a week?

Would you like a friendly and supportive analysis for your poetry? Consider coming to Sacred Way Poets poetry group.

Call Susan Sheppard for more info: (304) 428-7978

Monday, February 27, 2012

Blog Chat with Elizabeth Damewood Gaucher and Karan Ellison Ireland

Tonight, Elizabeth Damewood Gaucher and Karan Ellison Ireland will both be online starting at 8 PM
EST to talk about writing, blogging, and life. That covers a lot of territory, so they hope you will jump in and have some fun!

To join the chat, simply click on the link for Esse-a-Go-Go under Daily Mail Live
Chat at the blog Esse Diem

Sunday, February 26, 2012

WV Writers Conference Internship

Do you know, or are you a WV college student who has a passion for writing? Then, why not apply for an internship for the West Virginia Writers Inc. Annual Writing Conference?

Our interns are an invaluable resource, and they are afforded rare opportunities to work one on one with established writers, editors and publishers from all over the state and country.

The conference is held at Cedar Lakes in Ripley WV on the second weekend in June. It is three days of workshops, entertainment, and meeting new people. Don't pass up the opportunity to become involved in a vibrant and friendly community of artists.

To download an application, click on the link below.

Internship Application