The new WV Writers Writing Forum has been opened. At this time, we are only permitting current or recently current (within 2 years) members to join the forum. This is just a provisional rule and may change in the future. The forum is still being changed and improved upon.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with this format of forum, the posts will be viewable by guests (via internet searches or visitors to the site) in all areas except the Members Only section. This provides you with a safe place to post your work for serious critique. You may post your work in the other sections as well.
Guests will be able to view but not comment, unless we decide to open access to any who wishes to register. If you have an opinion on this one way or the other, please let us know, as this has been created to serve our membership, and anything I can do to improve it for you is the objective.
Currently, all new users must be approved by me, so please bear with us, as it may take a little bit of time for us to approve your status.
If you have any questions, you may send messages to the forum admin Craig Snider through the forum itself, or you can email him directly at