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Monday, June 01, 2009

Marc Harshman 1st Place in Newport Review Flash Fiction Contest

Congrats go out to WV Writers member and previous conference presenter Marc Harshman for his 1st Place win in the Newport Review's Flash Fiction contest.

You can read his entry, entitled "The Company of Heaven" at the Newport Review site.

Their 2009 Flash Fiction Contest will open for entries from June 1 through September 1, 2009. This year's guest judge will be fiction writer Hester Kaplan, author of The Edge of Marriage and Kinship Theory.

They are looking for works that are short in length but linger long in memory: small stories that pack a big emotional punch and make creative use of language.

Please note that this year, we are accepting slightly longer stories, up to a maximum of 1,000 words.

Complete Contest Guidelines:

Deadline: Postmarked by September 1, 2009

Word Count: Short-short stories up to 1,000 words

Entry fee: $7 per story, 3 for $20

Mail manuscripts w/check or money order (made out to Newport Review) to: Newport Review Flash Fiction Contest, P.O. Box 65, Warren, RI 02885

Manuscripts should include writer's name and complete contact information, including email and phone. Winners will be notified and posted on our blog and web site. Include a business-size SASE if you wish individual notification of contest results. Manuscripts will not be recycled unless return is requested; include SASE with sufficient return postage.

Writers may submit a total of six entries. The contest is open to all writers, published and unpublished, except writers personally affiliated with Newport Review, its editorial staff or board of directors. Past contest winners and those who have been published in the print edition of Newport Review are eligible to enter.

New prizes will be awarded:

First Prize: $150 and publication

Second Prize: $100 and publication

Third Prize: $50 and publication

Honorable Mention: Publication

Prize-winning stories and stories receiving honorable mention will be published in a future issue of Newport Review. Other stories may also be considered for publication.