(This news courtesy of "Granny" Sue Holstein)
I am happy to announce that my newest CD is ready! Beyond the Grave is a collection of West Virginia ghost stories, with some of our most famous--Greenbrier Ghost and Wizard Clipp, and some not as well known but every bit as interesting. Included on the CD are three ballads, and one of them I wrote right here on the Roundtable when someone posed a ballad challenge. I wrote a ballad about the Greenbrier Ghost and realized that I could sing it to the melody of Barbara Ellen--it's now called The Cruel Blacksmith on the CD.
I have listed the CD on CDBaby, and it will be ready for downloads or purchase there and on amazon.com and other sites in the next week or so. You can also buy it from me :-) at a discounted price of $12ppd. It would make a great Christmas present for anyone into ghost stories or West Virginia stories. Today three co-workers listened to the CD during a road trip and immediately bought copies for Christmas gifts. That was unexpected but nice!
Call or email me if you're interested in a copy.
R2 Box 110
Sandyville, WV 25275
toll free 866-643-1353