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Monday, December 21, 2009

Author Ed Davis announces new blog

Ed Davis, author of I Was So Much Older Then and The Measure of Everything, has announced a new blog connected to his website. We have a link to it here, but you can visit it directly at and subscribe to receive an e-mail when there’s a new posting.

New entries, just posted, include:

December 18, 2009: Free Fiction Writing Workshop to be offered in February at Blue Jacket Books in Xenia

December 17, 2009: Anatomy of a Reading: What I learned from a recent innovative literary event at Tipp City Public Library

Archived postings include:

July 30, 2009: Antioch Writers’ Workshop 2009. Words and wisdom of the workshop’s star, poet-teacher Rebecca McClanahan.

August 13, 2009: More on Writers’ Workshops. Valuable or destructive? Should workshops “fix” poems and stories?

August 26, 2009: One-Minute Muse. Meeting the literary giant who changed my life.