Now's your chance to help one of science fiction's most entertaining writers, and get yourself some neat fiction into the bargain. Spider Robinson's wife Jeanne is battling cancer, and science fiction authors and readers are uniting to help out.
Dec. 30 is a "blog rally" for the Robinsons, and author Larry Santoro has agreed to donate all the proceeds from sales of his novella "Lord Dickens's Declaration," to the Robinsons' cause. Here are the details, from The One-Thousand:
Science Fiction author Spider Robinson's wife Jeanne is fighting cancer and they're both fighting to pay the bills. 100% of any money used to purchase Larry Santoro's excellent e-book, "Lord Dickens's Declaration," will go directly to the Robinsons. Here's the link:
Dec 31st is the last day that people can buy Larry's story. I'd like to end the fundraiser with a bang. Let's get the word out all over the web to let people know on December 30th, there's only one day left to help. Why December 30th? Because if there's only one day left people won't put it off and say, "I'll do it later. I still have time." Make sure you link to the purchase page!