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Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Quest for Humor, West Virginia Style

(This release courtesy of Keith Davis of Woodland Press)

Author Karin Fuller, whose work appears in two of Woodland Press's new releases, The Mothman Files and Stories from the Hearth, will be on a panel at the WV Book Festival entitled "A Quest for Humor, West Virginia Style." Karin's column, "Smell the Coffee," is published in the Lifestyle section in every Sunday's Charleston Gazette-Mail (and her work has appeared in Family Circle, Woman's World, Appalachian Heritage, Atalanta Parent, Cup of Coffee for Dog Lovers, and many other publications). The panel will take place from 2:30-4:00 on Sat., Oct. 22. The panel will be moderated by humorist and stand-up comedian Steve Goff, and other panelists include long-time Gazette columnist Rick Steelhammer and humorists Terry McNemar and Diane Tarantini.