Act fast, Deadline Extended to June 23rd
If you are a WVW writer who did not get enough mentoring at the June 9-11 WV Writers' 29th Annual State Writers Conference, then read this please. WVW Writers members get a 10% discount off registration, for 10th annual WV Writers' Workshop July 20-23, in Morgantown . . .
Jim Harms, conference director, said there are placements remaining in "prose writing" and the deadline for registration was extended until Friday June 23.
Details - The WVU Department of English will hold its 10th annual West Virginia Writers' Workshop July 20-23 on the Downtown Campus of West Virginia University.
Contact: or go to for an application. Open to writers of all ages and experience. Workshops are only $110 for the 3-day program, but you can request a manuscript critique at an additional fee, if you send the work in advance. Contact:
The event features an award-winning literary faculty which includes novelist Mark Brazaitis from WVU, Allison Joseph, Peter Makuck, Gail Galloway Adams, Karen McElmurray, Jon Tribble, Thom Ward, Mary Ann Samyn, Beth Staley, and David Wojahn. All top notch literary writers! Schedule at
Attendees can sign up for all workshops, presentations, and other events. The rate is $110 for the conference or $40 per day (Thursday, Friday, and/or Saturday).
Inexpensive lodging is in one of WVU's better dormitory sites, up a hill on the downtown campus, and within a 10-minute walk to downtown restaurants. Participants pay $64.77 (2 to room; double) or $129.51 (single) total for all three (3) nights (taxes included).
Young Writers - In addition to the regular workshops, a special program will be offered for West Virginia high school students. The high school program will include activities and writing workshops specifically designed for this age group. For more, visit: