The Shine Journal: "The Path" (January 2010) – "The Path" can still be viewed at; choose "Archives 2010" and then "Richard, Deborah" under the first list of names, which is January
The Storyteller: "The River" (June 2010)
Two-Lane Livin' Magazine (Simple Living in Central WW): "Kindred
Spirits" (June 2010)
Grab-a-Nickel (Alderson-Broaddus College): "Capitol Street" and "Last
Words" (Fall 2010)
WestWard Quarterly: "Crape Myrtle" (Summer 2010)
Holler (Princeton Poetry Project): "Switchboard" (January 2011)
Eleutheria: The Scottish Poetry Review (United Kingdom): "Zephyr"
(Feb/March 2011)
Deborah Richard was born and raised in West Virginia but moved to the south as an adult, following her love of the ocean. After twelve years as a report analyst for a healthcare organization, she is currently caregiver for her mother. She is a member of South Carolina Writers' Workshop and West Virginia Writers, Inc. She received an Honorable Mention in the 2010 Joyful! Poetry Contest. Currently, Deborah is working on a memoir about growing up in the hills of West Virginia.