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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Return to Rural America Anthology seeking submissions

Charleston, WV – September 25 is the deadline to enter photographs, short stories, anecdotes and poems for the Steph F Enterprises, LLC, publication of anthology Return to Rural America.

Depicting life in Rural America, after having lived or visited in urban areas of the country, this anthology will highlight the culture, the people and the aesthetic qualities of rural America.

Short stories should be between 600-1,200 words while anecdotes must not exceed 300 words. Photographs can be submitted digitally or mailed. Entries will not be returned. The cost to enter is a minimal fee of $5.00 per entry. There is no limit to the number of entries per person. Checks or money orders should be made payable and mailed to: Steph F Enterprises, LLC, 343 Campbells Creek Drive, Charleston, WV 25306. Winners will be notified on September 31 by letter. All releases will be sent with the letter to be returned for publication.

This anthology is dedicated to those rural communities and people in appreciation they so well deserve for preserving the American way of life.