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Sunday, September 05, 2010

Pre-Orders now open for Llewellyn McKernan's new poetry chapbook "Pencil Memory"

Recent WV Writers Podcast featured reader Llewellyn McKernan will have a new chapbook of poetry entitled Pencil Memory published December 3, 2010. This is a limited edition collection, and the number of pre-publication sales will determine the size of the press run, so please reserve your copy now. Also feel free to send copies of this e-mail on to others who might be interested.

Here is what some nationally known poets are saying about Pencil Memory.

"I've long admired Llewellyn McKernan's bold, somewhat terrifying, and often thrilling poems. She turns her spiky imagination to one of the writer's most basic tools, and plays deft variations on that many-angled instrument. I especially like how the pencil itself composes the final movement of this inventive chapbook sonata." -- Michael McFee, author of Shinemaster.

"In this marvelous sheaf, every poem makes its point, wise or wistful, always wittily. Llewellyn McKernan has had such serious fun making her lines that we wholly engage with them, following her lead as it loops across the page with pert good humor. Delightful. Indelible." Fred Chappell, author of Shadow Box.

Order: Pencil Memory by Llewellyn McKernan
$12 per copy plus $1.00 each for shipping, a discount available only during the
pre-publication sale period: August l, 2010 to October 15, 2010.

Send shipping address along with check or money order made payable to:

Finishing Line Press
Post Office Box 1626
Georgetown, KY 40324

Or order online at:

Click "New Releases and Forthcoming Titles" or directly at

Finishing Line Press accepts all credit cards for online sales.

For regular mail orders, they only accept Visa and MasterCard.

Use the following form for mail order...

Please send me ______copy/copies of Pencil Memory by Llewellyn McKernan, at $12
each (Shipping is only $1 per copy).

City, State, Zip Code_______________________________________________________
_____ Enclosed is my check, payable to Finishing Line Press, for _______.
_____ Please charge my credit card $__________ ______Visa _____Master Card
Name as it appears on the card_____________________________
Credit Card number_______________________________
Expiration date________ Card verification number (3-digit number on back of card, far